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Speed ​​up the payment of health incentives, what are you waiting for?

President Joko Widodo (center) chaired a limited cabinet meeting regarding the acceleration of handling the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, Monday (6/29/2020). BETWEEN PHOTOS / Akbar Nugroho Gumay / Pool / WSJ.

Reporter: Markus Sumartomdjon | Editor: Markus Sumartomjon

KONTAN.CO.ID -JAKARTA. President Joko Widodo called for a new breakthrough that had a big impact in handling the Covid-19 pandemic in the community. “I ask that we work not linearly. There is a breakthrough that can be seen by the community and we hope that this breakthrough will really have an impact on the acceleration of this handling (Covid-19),” he said in a written statement while evaluating a pandemic handling in the context of accelerating handling Covid-19 at the Merdeka Palace on Monday (6/29)

At present, several provinces still have a fairly high Covid-19 distribution rate. To speed up handling in the province or certain areas, Jokowi considers the need for additional personnel or medical personnel who are seconded from the center. Including medical equipment.

Read Also: To speed up the handling of Covid-19, the government distributed PCR machines to medical personnel

He also asked his staff to monitor and provide guidance for regions that would begin a period of adaptation to new habits. The central government, he said, must step down to provide guidance to the regions regarding the stages that must be passed before reopening public and commercial facilities and activities.

Read Also: Jokowi asked for integration in handling Covid-19

“I also want to see the area that is starting to enter the new normal. The stages are really passed through whether it is precondition, when the timing is, given guidance, there is guidance from the center so they are not mistaken. There are preconditions, the timing accuracy, then the those three sector priorities are opened. That is really given guidance, “he said.

In terms of payment and financial assistance for health services and medical personnel, Jokowi immediately instructed that the disbursement of funds that had been prepared could be done immediately. For example for compensation assistance, payment of hospital claims, to incentives for medical workers. He cautioned that there should be no complaints such as help arriving late. Do not let the procedures in the Ministry of Health wordy and if there are complicated Ministerial Regulations it should be simplified.

“Payment of hospital claims as soon as possible. Incentives for medical personnel as soon as possible. Incentives for laboraatorium staff also as soon as possible. What are we waiting for? The budget is already there,” said Jokowi.

For this reason, he invited all parties to work together to make effective the handling of the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. At present it is needed an integrated handling and control between one another between ministries and institutions as well as the central and regional governments.

“There are no more sectoral egos of ministries, institutions, regions, let alone individual paths. I think we must eliminate them immediately,” he said.

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