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Speech to the Nation: This is Biden’s “American rescue plan” policy

In the fight against the corona pandemic and the economic crisis in the USA, future President Joe Biden wants to implement a new, huge economic stimulus package. In a rousing televised address on Thursday evening (local time), Biden promoted his American Rescue Plan worth 1,900 billion US dollars (around 1,600 billion euros).

“During this pandemic, through no fault of their own, millions of Americans have lost the dignity and respect that comes with a job and a paycheck,” Biden said in his televised address to the nation.

“The health of our nation is at stake,” added the Democrat, who will succeed Donald Trump on Wednesday next week.

“We can’t afford to do nothing,” warned Biden. “We have to act now. We have a moral obligation. ”

100 million vaccinations in 100 days

Biden complained that millions of people in the country have lost their jobs, many are in arrears with rent and run the risk of losing their homes, families have to queue in long lines for food expenses because they do not have enough money for groceries.

The rescue plan of the new US president provides, among other things, direct payments to citizens, an expansion of unemployment benefits and financial aid for small businesses. In addition, vaccinations against the corona virus are to be promoted and more corona tests are to be made possible.

The most important projects from Biden’s rescue plan at a glance:

  • Development of a national vaccination program with the establishment of vaccination centers in communities and mobile vaccination centers for remote areas
  • Biden wants in his first 100 days as President 100 million Americans see vaccinated
  • Expansion of test capacities and help communities and schools collect test results
  • Besides, he wants them schools Equip them in such a way that they can be reopened largely corona-safe in 100 days
  • Increase in the minimum wage to $ 15 an hour
  • Support for citizens who care for sick family members have to and cannot go to work
  • One-time payments of $ 600 and another $ 1,400 to families in need
  • Subsidies and Loans for small businesses

Big expenses are involved, Biden admitted. But these investments are important to avert long-term economic damage to the country. Biden said the proposed package is the first part of a two-part plan: bailing out first, then bailing out the economy.

In the coming month he will present plans for a long-term boost to the economy – through large investments in the country’s infrastructure. It’s about investing “bravely” and “wisely,” said Biden. The decisions made in the coming months will determine whether America will take on a leadership role again or whether others will overtake it.

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The corona pandemic is spreading dramatically in the USA – a country with 330 million inhabitants. More than 23 million infections with the virus have been reported so far. More than 388,000 people have died related to the virus. The restrictions on public life caused by the pandemic are severely affecting the US economy.

In view of the corona crisis, the US Congress had already decided on massive economic stimulus packages last spring. At the end of December, after months of wrangling, Congress decided on a further package worth around $ 900 billion, which, among other things, expanded and extended unemployment benefits. This also included direct one-off payments of $ 600 to many US citizens.

With that package, there was fierce political turmoil right up to the last minute to raise direct aid to $ 2,000 – but this failed due to resistance from Republicans. Biden now wants to make up for this increase with his package. He had already warned in December that the most recently agreed economic stimulus package could only be a “down payment” – further help was urgently needed.

In order to get his plans through, Biden is dependent on Congress. The Democrats will control both chambers of parliament there in the future – so Biden should have an easy game.

The leading Democrats in the House and Senate, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, already agreed on Thursday evening (local time) their support for the aid package: “We will immediately get to work to convert the vision of President-elect Biden into a legal text that will pass through both chambers and come into force. ” (with dpa, Reuters)

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