A number of Ukrainian media, including the Unian agency, reported on Sunday speculation that Chechen authoritarian leader Ramzan Kadyrov is in serious health and has not been seen for several days. His liver and kidney problems reportedly worsened. Speculation about Kadyrov’s ill health appeared on several Telegram accounts, according to Unian. One of these channels pointed to a post by Kadyrov’s son Adam on social networks, in which the son asks the “Most High” to protect his father. The Chechen opposition representative, known under the pseudonym Abu Saddam Shishani, then stated in a telegram that according to some information, Kadyrov is already “on the verge of death” and that dialysis is no longer working for him. The same official later clarified that while Kadyrov posted a live video feed to prove he was alive and well, he did not appear well in it.
2023-07-02 19:28:54
#media #speculating #Kadyrovs #allegedly #health #condition #Currently.cz