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Speculation Arises on Asala Nasri’s Daughter Sham Al-Dhahabi’s Possible Pregnancy

01:41 PM Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Sham Al-Dhahabi, daughter of the Syrian singer Asala Nasri, sparked, during the past hours, an interaction with the audience because of a picture circulating of her on social media as she put her hand on her stomach.

And it appeared on Asala’s daughter, in her last appearance next to her husband and mother, as she placed her hand on her stomach, as if indicating her pregnancy.

This prompted the pioneers of social networking sites to question whether “Sham” was pregnant or not, and so far, Asala’s daughter has not come out to confirm or deny the validity of the news or not.

Asala Nasri expressed her happiness at her brother Anas Nasri’s wedding to the media’s sister, Amira Badr.

Asala published pictures and a video clip of the wedding, through her official account on the “Instagram” website, and commented: “Who is more precious than Anous who rejoices, so that we can be happy. On the face of each other, all success and all success, and preserve us, and we see many children from you. With your joy, people we missed and dear companions gathered, and the time was longing, love, big hugs, laughter, and joy .. My brother and beloved, and the support of God makes you happy.

Sham Al-Dhahabi also published photos and a video clip, through the “Short Stories” feature, through her account on the “Instagram” website, and commented, “The groom of dreams, the moon is burying me.”

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