A 19-year-old Audi driver created a real action in Plovdiv after he failed to take a turn. The incident happened on Friday the 13th – a day that brought only headaches for the victims.
The cars were parked in front of a block where their owners live. The young driver was driving fast and failed to turn. Thus, he directly crashed into the first vehicle, then hit the second, and finally split into a tree, which was knocked down by the powerful collision.
The story was told on social networks by Nikolay Nedelchev – one of the victims of the actions of the 19-year-old behind the wheel. The Opel car in which he drives his family has multiple material damages
“I got a call from the traffic police to let me know how our modest motor vehicle was damaged as a result of an accident. I go, the fire department, a patrol officer, the culprit with his family and boyfriend. I see my car: horror… it’s useless. The culprit and his relatives are not visibly worried, even slightly casual. I ask the policemen: – What is the sanction for the guilty party?
– BGN 200 fine and withdrawal of 9 points is the answer… They didn’t even come to say “I’m sorry” or something like that…
The platform loads the culprit’s Audi A3. They ask the police if they can leave and disappear. I am waiting patiently for the protocol…
They give me the protocol, I read it by machine to make sure there are no gross deviations and I sign it. I’m starting to think how a car that doesn’t have a rear window and one door doesn’t close is already prey for robbers. My wife and I carry everything we can at home. I am gluing nylon so that it does not fill with water if it rains, I will wait for inspections,” wrote the Plovdiv resident.
He contacted his insurer, who explained that he should go to the at-fault party’s insurer.
“I’m scanning my report to have a copy and I’m already paying attention, I see the “violations” column and I look – driver1 (guilty) – 18 violations, driver2 (my grace) none… What country is this??? 19-year-old driver already has 18 violations… in one year behind the wheel?????I hope he lights a candle on this day, because where he hit our car, old people and children are passing by. God help us!”, concludes his post Nicholas.
The question remains unanswered, how a driver with a few months of experience committed so many violations and why he still has the opportunity to drive a car.