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Specific request from the NHL – but trainer Rikard Grönborg remains in Zurich

Don’t do the Bob Hartley: Zurich head coach Rikard Grönborg. Image: KEYSTONE

Eismeister Zaugg

Specific request from the NHL – but trainer Rikard Grönborg remains in Zurich

The New Jersey Devils wanted Rikard Grönborg (50), but the ZSC Lions declined. The Swedish coach remains in Zurich for another season. But this shows that in the spring of 2021, sports director Sven Leuenberger will probably have to look for a new coach.

Sometimes the story doesn’t repeat itself. A look back: On May 31, 2012 Bob Hartley (51) leaves the ZSC Lions. Despite a continuing contract. The Canadian, who led the Zurich team sensationally from 7th place in the 7th final game in Bern, is moving to the NHL for the Calgary Flames. One should let travelers go. You can’t stand in the way of a coach from being promoted to the world’s top league.

Now the month of May 2020 is coming to an end and history seems to be repeating itself. Rikard Grönborg wins the qualification with the ZSC Lions (he is also a master coach, so to speak) and faces the fulfillment of his coaching life goal: an engagement in the NHL. Before becoming world champion twice with Sweden, he worked in US junior hockey for more than ten years. He is married to an American and has an American passport. His goal is to get involved in the NHL.

But the ZSC Lions refused to grant him a corresponding release clause in the contract. Now the New Jersey Devils (Nico Hischier’s club) are specifically interested. Head of sport Sven Leuenberger confirms: «New Jersey behaved correctly and called us first and asked if they could speak to our trainer. We allowed that, but made it absolutely clear that we would not release him from the contract. » The matter is now settled. Rikard Grönborg is not the next Bob Hartley and will stay in Zurich for another year. The story has not been repeated.

The ice master recently visited Hischier:

Sven Leuenberger says there is no disagreement about this matter. “Our trainer stands by our contract.” In Zurich, the charismatic Swedish gang general is leading a professional club team for the first time. Another year of experience before moving to the big business of the NHL can’t hurt.

Sven Leuenberger will have to look for a new coach next year. Image: KEYSTONE

Interest in Rikard Grönborg should remain and after the contract in Zurich a switch to the NHL is expected. The ZSC sports director will probably have to look for a new coach next spring. After all, in this case, he remains satisfied that he got the right coach with Rikard Grönborg in summer 2019.

This story shows that the NHL respects legally valid employment contracts with European clubs. In the recently signed NHL transfer agreement, which allows the NHL clubs to oblige every player of a Swiss club regardless of the contractual situation against payment of a transfer fee, regardless of the contractual situation, does not apply to coaches.


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