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Specific intervention plan: where are the nuclear reactors in the harbor of Toulon?

“The power of the reactors has evolved, observe l’association APE. We have moved from Rubis-type SNAs to the generation of Suffren-class SNAs, whose radiological impacts would be greater. However, the current PPI does not take them into account.

The Special Intervention Plan (PPI) organizes the reaction of the public authorities, to protect the populations who live in the immediate vicinity, in Toulon, La Seyne and Ollioules.

In the reform of Defense PPIs, the protection perimeter goes from a radius of 2km to a radius of 5km. What’s more, “it is recommended that prefects consider the municipalities in their entirety”. And not just inside the pencil line, drawn on the map.

As a result, the extension of the immediate population protection perimeter will take into account the municipality of Saint-Mandrier. And a general distribution of iodine tablets will be organized to prevent a nuclear incident.

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