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Specialist conference “Ombudary representation in child and youth welfare MV (§ 9a SGB VIII)”

The focus of the conference is on the challenges and opportunities that arose from the introduction of Section 9a SGB VIII as part of the Child and Youth Strengthening Act (KJSG). This paragraph obliges all federal states to set up ombudsman offices to assist young people and their families in conflicts and when they need advice. Since April 2024, the implementation of Section 9a SGB VIII in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania has been regulated by Section 6 of the Children and Youth Participation Act (KiJuBG MV). The Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and Sport Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania has commissioned the “Ombudschaft for Children, Young People and Families Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania” association to set up and support the ombudsman’s structures.

The conference offers all interested parties and specialists the opportunity to deal intensively with the topic of ombudsmanship, to find out about developments in the new field of work of the ombudsmanship in child and youth welfare and to actively participate in shaping this area.

Those interested can Register by November 12, 2024 using the following link: https://www.ifw-neubrandenburg.de/angebote/ft01-2024/. The event takes place on the premises of the Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences, House 1.

Further information can be found here.

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