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[Special report]2020 under the new crown epidemic: inventory of the top ten news of the United Nations | United Nations News

  1. The United Nations system in China under the epidemic

After the COVID-19 outbreak in China in January, UN News interviewed several senior officials of the UN system in China, includingFormer United Nations Representative to China Luo ShiliGao Li, WHO Representative in China(Gauden Galea) and so on. Since December 2019, Colliers has personally participated in the entire process of China’s fight against the new crown epidemic. He introduced the WHO’s anti-epidemic work in China.

Image of UNDP China Representative Office

The first batch of 10,000 sets of protective clothing purchased by the United Nations Development Program from Turkey in response to the new coronavirus epidemic.

High power:WHO’s work can be divided into three stages.The first stage is to try to answer the three most important questions in the prevention and control of infectious diseases: virusesHow to spread? How serious is it? What are the measures to prevent infection? In the first three weeks, WHO invested a lot of energy in answering these three questions, analyzing epidemiological survey data, discussing with China’s National Health Commission and WHO’s global expert network, and using available information through various media Carry out risk publicity through channels, and coordinate and cooperate with United Nations agencies in Beijing. “

  1. Those who witnessed the epidemic

During the epidemic, United Nations News interviewed more than a dozen medical staff who were fighting on the front line through the transoceanic connection, as well as witnesses from all walks of life in the most severely affected areas of China such as Wuhan, Italy, and New York, including going to Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital Life-savingDoctor Liu Yun

UN News

New crown witnesses

Liu Yun: “For us, we still have to persist until the last minute, because we are dealing with critically ill patients and we cannot be negligent. Our medical team’s regular meeting at 8 o’clock last night still emphasized safety issues again. On the one hand, It is always going all out to actively treat patients without paralysis, war-weariness, and relaxation, and no medical safety problems can occur. Another aspect is the safety of the team members. Because in the end, everyone is easy to neglect. In addition to the safety of sensory control, In addition, as road traffic increases, we must also pay attention to traffic safety. So for me, the string is tighter than ever, and everyone must be safe.

  1. Peacekeeping operations under the epidemic

Although facing the challenge of the new crown epidemic, the United NationsPeacekeeperStill performing tasks day and night. The Peacekeeping Operations Department has also taken adequate response measures, such as canceling unnecessary travel, and carrying out epidemic prevention operations and publicity in camps and communities. Mali, located in northwestern Africa, is the most dangerous mission area of ​​the United Nations in the world.UN News this yearInternational Day of United Nations PeacekeepersInterviewed a person inMali PeacekeepingThe young female officer Wang Yu.

United Nations Stabilization Mission in Mali/Wang Yu

Wang Yu on the way from get off work

Wang Yu: “In this place in Africa, malaria is raging. Basically, 8 to 90% of the local people will have the malaria parasite, which is transmitted through the bite of mosquitoes and through blood. Their medical conditions are indeed not very good. Many people I can’t afford to look down on diseases, I can’t afford medicines, and I can’t get injections. Just like this (new crown) epidemic, when they started, on average tens of thousands of people had a bed. Not long ago, China assisted in the construction of a shelter. , There are 400 beds.”

  1. Women’s rights under the epidemic

United Nations data shows that due to the new crown pandemic, violence against women and girls, especially domestic violence, is rising sharply. For this reason, UN Secretary-General Guterres has repeatedly called for women and girls to be placed at the center of recovery efforts.Moreover, this year is a landmark“Beijing Declaration” and “Platform of Action”Through the 25th anniversary, the United Nations held aHigh-level online meeting, UN News sorted out the appeals made by male heads of state at the meeting to support the UN“He speaks for her”Initiative.

Xi Jinping: “At the most critical moment in China’s fight against the new crown pneumonia epidemic, two-thirds of the more than 40,000 medical staff from all over China who rushed to Hubei to assist Hubei were women. One nurse from Guangdong Province is under 20 years old. Reporter Ask her, you are still a child and need help from others. She replied that wearing protective clothing, I am no longer a child. This conversation touched the whole of China! It is precisely thousands of such Chinese women in white clothes. Going retrograde, it interprets the benevolence of doctors with courage and hard work, and with responsibility and dedication in exchange for everything.”

  1. Development and recovery under the epidemic

The new crown pandemic has caused severe damage to the global economy and development. The World Bank predicts that global GDP will shrink by 5.2% in 2020, the deepest recession in decades, and hundreds of millions of people may fall into extreme poverty.UN News interviewed on development and recoveryUNDP Assistant Secretary-General Xu Haoliang

Photography: Man Aihua

The catering industry in Shenzhen Huaqiang North Pedestrian Street has reopened.

Xu Haoliang: “This epidemic is the first time in the past 30 years that it has challenged the continuous development trend of mankind, and it has returned to a retrogressive trend for the first time. The human development report has been published for the past 30 years, including a human development index. This year is the first time that the global human development index has fallen. Because the population who should receive education cannot continue to receive education, 400 million jobs have been affected because Income is affected for various reasons, and health indicators are also affected.”

  1. Climate action under the epidemic

December 12 this year marks the fifth anniversary of the adoption of the Paris Agreement. To this end, the United Nations took the lead in convening the “2020Climate Ambition Summit“. United Nations Secretary-General Guterres called on all countries to enter a climate emergency until carbon neutrality is achieved. He also held talks with UN News before the UN General Assembly.Exclusive interviewEmphasized the importance of green recovery.

Guterres: “The scientific community has set our goal. By the end of this century, we absolutely must limit the temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius. To this end, we need to be carbon neutral by 2050. For this, we need to Reduce emissions by about 45% in the next ten years. So, the goals are clear. How can we achieve these goals? We need to make a comprehensive commitment to all transformative actions in energy, agriculture, industry, transportation, and all areas of our lives, especially Large emitters, we need transformative actions that can achieve these goals.”

  1. The Nobel Peace Prize under the epidemic

October 9, United Nations World Food ProgramWon this year’s Nobel Peace Prize in recognition of his outstanding contributions in eradicating hunger and promoting world peace.UN News InterviewQu Sixi, Representative of the World Food Program in China, He commented on the significance of winning the Nobel Peace Prize and the work done by the World Food Programme.

Image courtesy of the China Office of the World Food Program

The World Food Program donated food materials to the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake in Sichuan.

Qu Sixi: “There are currently more than 591 million people in the world suffering from hunger, and about 60% of them live in turbulent areas. So I think this year’s 2020 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to the World Food Program. It is intended to show that the international community recognizes the efforts and contributions made by the World Food Program in achieving the goal of zero hunger and the cause of global peace and development. Of course, this honor belongs not only to the World Food Program, but also to the World Food Program. All partners of the Department. I think this award can arouse further global attention and awareness of hungry people and food security, including the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, especially the zero hunger goal.”

  1. Conflict situation under the epidemic

United Nations Secretary-General Guterres called for a global ceasefire in March this year to jointly fight the epidemic, which has won the support of 180 member states and all parties.Syria, Gaza, Libya, Ukraine, Central African Republic, Cameroon, Iraq, etc. all have ceasefiresmake a progress. In Sudan, a new peace agreement was reached between the government and the armed movement; in Afghanistan, after years of hard work, peace negotiations finally started.

Nevertheless, local conflicts are still breaking out. In July, Azerbaijan and Armenia exchanged fire again on the northern border and used heavy weapons.

© UNHCR Photo/Hazim Elhag

In order to avoid the armed conflict in the northern Tigray region, a large number of Ethiopian refugees poured into Sudan.

Recently, the northern part of EthiopiaConflict broke out in Tigray area, Resulting in the displacement of more than 100,000 civilians, affecting millions of people. Since the beginning of the conflict, the United Nations has repeatedly called on all parties to protect the safety of civilians, immediately initiate dialogue and negotiations, ease tensions, avoid large-scale violence, and make every effort to deal with the increasing number of displaced persons and refugees.

  1. Under the epidemic, “cannot sleep at night”

During the epidemic this year, UN News adapted the podcast series launched by Melissa Fleming, the UN Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications.“Can’t Sleep at Night”, She conducted exclusive interviews with dozens of people who have made special contributions to the United Nations system, includingMike, Executive Director of the WHO Health Emergencies ProgrammeLane, WFP Executive Director David Billis, UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Lowcock, etc., all of them “won’t sleep at night” because of the many challenges facing the world.

UN video screenshot

Mike Lane, Head of Health Emergencies Programme, WHO

Ryan: “We will definitely defeat the COVID-19 pandemic. I am a hopeful person. Our operations director calls me a pathological optimist. I do maintain an optimistic spirit. The person who gives me the best hope is people, talents, People who are determined and refuse to give up. People who care about others and surpass themselves no matter what human beings face. We always seem to find a way out through human intellect, intuition, sense of community, and sense of responsibility to each other. I just hope that when we get rid of During the COVID-19 pandemic, let’s not forget that it was our current unity and collective response that eliminated this virus. This is what we achieved together. It is humanitarian cooperation, scientific cooperation, community groups, and food for frontline workers. The people are the children who visit the elderly to prevent them from losing their social connections. They are every worker who is now responding to the 2019 coronavirus.”

  1. The United Nations under the epidemic75th anniversary

This year isUnited Nations was established75th anniversary. October 24, 1945,Charter of the United NationsOfficially entered into force. Since then, no global organization can compare with it in terms of its legitimacy, convening power, and normative influence.In this historic year, UN news revisitedPrinciples and values ​​of the United Nations CharterChina and the United Nations75 years of ups and downsAnd a fewUnited Nations “Veteran” figureWith the understanding of its mission, we will continue to move forward with fierceness.

Truman: “Many people have questioned whether 50 countries with huge differences in race, religion, language, and culture can reach an agreement. But these differences have been left behind in an unwavering, unified determination. Middle-Find a way to end the war. This “United Nations Charter” is a solid structure on which we can build a better world. History will pay tribute to you for this…With this “United Nations Charter, the world can begin to look forward to the day when all respected people can live with dignity as free people… If we fail to make good use of it, we will betray all those who sacrificed for it so that we can The people who gathered here freely and safely and created this charter…”

Zhang Li reports from the United Nations Headquarters in New York.

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