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Special Regulations Are Needed Regarding Heated Tobacco Products and E-Cigarettes

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA – Other Tobacco Processing Products (HPTL), such as heated tobacco products, electronic cigarette, snus, and nicotine bags, which are produced legally and in accordance with standards can have a positive impact in reducing the potential risk posed by habit smoke.

This has been implemented by a number of developed countries, one of which is the UK, which has succeeded in encouraging adult smokers who still want to continue smoke to switch to HPTL products and eventually quit the habit.

Director of Policy, Action on Smoking and Health (ASH), Hazel Cheeseman, in a documentary entitled Vaping Demystified said the UK has proven that the use of nicotine through various HPTL products can have a positive impact in reducing the dangers and epidemics of cigarettes.

Dr Amir Khan of the National Health Service Bradford UK stated that the smoke produced by burning cigarettes contains about 6,000 harmful chemical compounds.

Meanwhile, Liam Humberstone from the Independent British Vape Trade Association, stated that HPTL products that are produced legally and according to standards have dangerous chemical compounds that are much lower than cigarettes.

Also read: Know the Difference Between Heated Tobacco Products and E-Cigarettes

Although HPTL products are not completely risk free, the risks from these products are much lower than cigarettes.

“All the ingredients contained in HPTL products have been screened to make sure they are fit for use by the user.

So, the nicotine in these products is suitable for consumption by its users, ”explained Laim.

Another important thing is to maximize the potential of HPTL products and to anticipate the potential negatives that can occur by ensuring that the product is right on target, which is intended as a tool for adult smokers to switch from cigarettes to tobacco products that have a lower risk than cigarettes.

Thus, the process of introducing and socializing HPTL products to the wider community must be accompanied by an appropriate distribution strategy.

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