Home » today » News » Special Plan for the Campo de Gibraltar Landaluce disagrees with the Government’s assessment and invites the Minister of the Presidency to verify “that it is false”

Special Plan for the Campo de Gibraltar Landaluce disagrees with the Government’s assessment and invites the Minister of the Presidency to verify “that it is false”

The mayor of Algeciras and senator for the PP, Jose Ignacio Landaluce, has disagreed with the balance of the Government on the Integral Plan of the Campo de Gibraltar known this Tuesday after the Council of Ministers. Landaluce has invited the Minister of the Presidency, Felix Bolanosto visit the area to check that “unfortunately” the reports “they are false“.

“Once again, from the Government of Pedro Sanchez they leave us on the execution of the Campo de Gibraltar Plan. I would like to invite Minister Félix Bolaños to visit our region, so that you can check for yourself the reality that we live in this land that is substantially away from what is intended to be reflected in those false reports that have been presented to the Council of Ministers”, said Landaluce.

“Is ridiculous that they pretend make us believe that the Campo de Gibraltar Plan announced more than three years ago and in which no less than ten ministries are involved, with an investment of almost 1,000 million euros, has been fulfilled in its three quarters. To be honest, cannot be perceived in our land a real change in the quality of life of our neighbors”, assured the mayor.

For Landaluce, the railway infrastructure they are still not modernized and the trains continue to cause problems “and they are the oldest in Spain”. The mayor also dislikes the fact that the Algeciras-Tarifa-Vejer highway has not been so doubled and the problem related to Gibraltar in relation to the Brexit “It continues to keep Campogibraltareños on edge due to the lack of solutions and answers.”

The mayor and senator stresses that relations with Morocco remain paralyzed except for the transport of goods. “Unemployment continues to grow and families at risk of social exclusion have increased. Only we have made some progress in matters of securitybut honestly, the measures adopted, taking into account the special singularity of the Campo de Gibraltar, are insufficient and if not, ask the representatives of the Police, Civil Guard, Customs Surveillance, Prison Officials, Judges and Prosecutors”, according to the alderman Algeciras.

Landaluce has said that he would love to see the Campo de Gibraltar that the Minister of the Presidency draws in his report. “I wish that were true, but unfortunately it’s just another one of the big untruths that the Government of the nation intends to sell us, ignoring our legitimate aspirations, and treating us, once again, as second class citizens”, he assessed. “We will continue to claim what this land and those of us who live in it deserve, it is not fair that they play with our present, taking away the opportunity to live the promising future, which by justice corresponds to us”, he concluded.

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