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Special meeting with Heiko Maas on Iran and Libya

DThe foreign ministers of Germany, France, Great Britain and Italy will meet in Brussels on Tuesday for a special meeting on Iran and Libya. The British government said Foreign Minister Dominic Raab Travel to Brussels to hold talks on the situation after the Iranian general Qassem Soleimani was killed by an American drone attack and on the “escalating conflict in Libya”.

The British Foreign Ministry said Raab would first meet with French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian for a bilateral meeting. After that, both would attend a four-person meeting with Federal Foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) and the Italian chief diplomat Luigi Di Maio participate to discuss the situation in Libya. The central government in Tripoli is under increasing pressure after troops from breakaway General Chalifa Haftar have posted territorial gains.

After the Libya meeting, Germany, France and Great Britain, as partner countries of the nuclear agreement with Iran, would then hold consultations, it said from London. All three countries wanted to “push for de-escalation” after Iran retaliated for killing General Soleimani had announced. It is also about Tehran’s announcement that it will continue to withdraw from the nuclear deal.

Italy’s Foreign Minister Di Maio wrote on his Facebook page that Josep Borrell, the EU’s foreign policy chief, would also attend the meetings in Brussels. The Italian government has also enforced that the special meeting of all EU foreign ministers scheduled for Friday will now deal not only with Iran, but also with Libya.

Meanwhile, the United States again warned American ships in the Gulf region of possible Iranian actions. The warning initially applies until January 13. The United States had already called for increased vigilance on Friday.

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