Home » today » Health » SPD social politician Denny Möller continues to call for a future-oriented approach to the Corona pandemic in Thuringia

SPD social politician Denny Möller continues to call for a future-oriented approach to the Corona pandemic in Thuringia

The SPD parliamentary group in the Thuringian state parliament supports the current demands of Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach to deal with the corona pandemic. Lauterbach had drawn attention in particular to the health and social consequences for children and young people.

Two years ago, the SPD parliamentary group in the Thuringian state parliament was the first political force to call for a systematic review of the corona pandemic, the containment measures and their consequences. This demand is more relevant today than ever.

“It is irresponsible that we have not yet adequately addressed the consequences of the pandemic. We must not hesitate any longer, because it is about the well-being of our children, our elders and all those who have suffered most from the measures,” explains Denny Möller, social policy spokesman for the SPD parliamentary group.

Numerous studies have now shown that loneliness and eating disorders have increased among children and young people. These developments highlight the need for systematic analysis that not only identifies mistakes, but above all aims to reduce negative consequences and better manage future crises.

“I am deeply concerned about the increasing number of mental illnesses among young people. We cannot ignore this development. I am convinced that the social impact of the corona pandemic – including the measures to combat the pandemic – requires systematic scientific analysis. We must learn the right lessons from this in order to better protect our children in the future,” emphasizes Möller.

Against this background, the SPD parliamentary group is renewing its call for the establishment of an inquiry commission to investigate, on a scientific basis and with the involvement of experts, how the particularly vulnerable groups have fared during the pandemic.

“Only through a thorough and objective review can we ensure that we deal with the negative consequences and are prepared for the next crisis. It is not enough to just look at the past – we must learn from it and prepare for the future,” Möller continued.

This review is not about a party-political debate with the decision-makers at the time. Rather, the aim is to learn from the experiences of the pandemic and to better prepare the social infrastructure of kindergartens, schools, facilities for the disabled and retirement homes for future crises.

The Free State is responsible for these facilities. The primary goal must be to keep the effects of the pandemic as low as possible. The opportunities for participation and people’s health are taken into account, as is the functioning of the institutions that ensure the well-being of Thuringians.

“The pandemic has shown us where our social infrastructure is reaching its limits – especially for those who need help the most. That is why the process of coming to terms with the past must help to improve the well-being of children and families, adolescents and young adults, and senior citizens. Instead of assigning blame, we must now work together to ensure that such failures are not repeated,” said Möller.

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