Home » today » World » Spartans: The MP Giorgos Manoussos became independent with spikes – 2024-04-05 21:49:06

Spartans: The MP Giorgos Manoussos became independent with spikes – 2024-04-05 21:49:06

The MP spoke of “lies” and “slander” by the president of the Spartans, Vassilis Stiga George Manousoswho notified the presidium of the Parliament of his independence from the party.

The political developments for the Spartans party are rapid after the order of the prosecutor of the Supreme Court of Paphos to initiate criminal proceedings against eleven members of parliament, for deceiving voters. The same accusation is also made against the former member of parliament of Chrysi Avgi, Ilias Kasidiaris.

Ms. Adeilini in her order does not include the leader of the party, Vassilis Stiga, who had made public complaints about “criminal and underground practices in his party, which refer to “Greek Mafia and Don Korleone””.

The announcement of the resignation of Giorgos Manousos

Dear Mr. Tasoula,

Following the criminal prosecution ordered by the Prosecutor’s Office of the Supreme Court against my 11 colleagues as well as me personally, following the false and slanderous complaints of the President of the Spartans, Mr. Vasilios Stigas, I inform you that I am leaving the K.O of the Spartans.

My stay in it until now had to do with my belief that the Greek judiciary would not find even a shred of credibility in these false statements, especially after the evidence I presented before it.

My morality, my attitude to life and my dignity do not allow me to continue to coexist with the man who led his parliamentary group accused of lies and slander.

Therefore, awaiting the decision of the AED, I will fulfill my duties as an independent member of parliament honoring the vote of the thousands of our compatriots who trusted me.

April 4, 2024
George Manousos
Member of Parliament B΄2 Western Sector of Athens

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