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Sparkasse maintains closure of branches in MSP

A series of proposals to mitigate the large-scale closure of branches has been made, but the Sparkasse is waving away. Landrtin Sabine Sitter wants to negotiate.

The Sparkasse in Rieneck is one of the 14 branches of the bank that are to be closed at the end of the year. Photo: Helmut Hussong

There is currently no evidence that the withdrawal from Sparkasse branches would be averted at the end of the year. In the district council meeting on Wednesday, Landrtin Sabine Sitter announced that she would once again seek talks with representatives of Sparkasse and the Raiffeisen banks. Furthermore, she wants to invite the chairman of the board of Sparkasse Mainfranken Wrzburg, Bernd Frhlich, to comment in the district council. After the submissions by mayors in Sinngrund, SPD and CSU politicians and from the district committee meeting on Monday, the editorial team made the suggestions of the local politicians. ..

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