Home » today » Sport » Spanish press praises Vini Jr. after classic: “Possibly the best player in the world” | international football

Spanish press praises Vini Jr. after classic: “Possibly the best player in the world” | international football

Vini Jr.’s performance in Real Madrid’s victory over Atlético Madrid garnered praise in the Spanish press. The Brazilian provided assists for Benzema and Asensio’s goals in the 2-0 triumph.

+ With two assists from Vini Jr., Real Madrid wins derby against Atlético, by Espanyol

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“Marca” newspaper website highlights Vini Jr’s performance in a classic — Photo: Reproduction

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For “Marca”, Vini is, today, “possibly the best player in the world”. Analyzing that Real Madrid has taken the Spanish title back in December, the newspaper highlighted that much is due to the Brazilian striker’s great season.

– If Madrid is the leader and has a winning half league, it’s because they have Vinicius (…). Decided the derby with two assists. What Messi did half his life in Barcelona, ​​Vinicius begins to do with amazing ease – wrote the newspaper.

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Vini Jr Real Madrid — Photo: Reuters

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In “As”, another Madrid newspaper, ex-player Jorge Valdano treated Vinicius as a mystery.

– The transformation of this player is a mysterious thing. The ability to score, which is a gift, he turned into something that can be learned. He was a player who ran the last few meters with tremendous speed, but was hampered. Now, he has a tremendous facility to see the player who is more clear – praised Valdano.

With the victory in the derby, Real Madrid leads the Spanish Championship, with 42 points. Sevilla are in second place, with 34 points and one game in hand. Vini Jr. has 10 goals and four assists in 17 games in the competition.

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