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Spanish Minister Bustinduy Pledges to Improve Minimum Living Income and Combat Poverty


The Minister of Social Rights, Consumption and Agenda 2030, Pablo Bustinduy, has committed in the next four years to improving the Minimum Living Income, to extending protection by law to all types of families and to working to approve a universal child-rearing benefit. , with the aim of fighting poverty.

This was stated this Tuesday in the Senate Plenary in response to a question from Popular Party senator Inmaculada Hernández about “what plans the Government has to alleviate the growing poverty in Spain.”

According to the Minister of Social Rights, in these years they have done “a lot” to combat poverty but he has recognized that “evidently” this “is not enough.”

“For this reason, in the next four years this ministry will work to improve the design and effectiveness of the IMV so that it truly fulfills its function as a guaranteed minimum income. We are going to extend protection by law to all types of families that exist in Spain. We are going to work so that there is a universal child-rearing benefit, which is the ideal tool to combat child poverty in our country,” Bustinduy stressed.

In addition, it has opted for a country strategy with the objective of eradicating poverty in the year 2030 and, ultimately, for “more redistribution, more protection, more social justice and more universal rights in Spain.”

For her part, the ‘popular’ senator has criticized that “Spain is once again at the bottom” in the ranking of social policies, she has denounced that “families do not make ends meet” and that long-term unemployment ” is still very high.”

Furthermore, it has disgraced the Government that 32.2% of Spanish children are at risk of extreme poverty. “These poverty rates in a country of abundance are a real shame,” she reproached.

Faced with these criticisms, the minister has questioned the “concern” of the PP.

“Let me consider that your concern is not sincere because your country’s project, what you demonstrate in the facts, is that of an oligarchy, a society of unequals where there are privileged people and welfare with the poor,” he concluded.

2023-12-19 18:56:09
#Bustinduy #promises #improve #IMV #universal #childrearing #benefit #fight #poverty

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