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Spanish General Election 2023: Socialists’ Power at Risk as Far-Right Party Surges

Spaniards began‍ voting on Sunday in a closely contested general election that could⁣ result in a change of power and the inclusion ​of a far-right party in the government for the first⁢ time in 50 ⁣years. The polls opened at 9 a.m. ‍(0700 GMT) and will close at‌ 8 p.m. (1800 GMT), with exit polls expected to be released shortly after. Experts predict that the‌ final result will be determined by a margin ‍of fewer than‍ a million votes and fewer than ‌10 seats ​in the 350-seat parliament.

Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez⁤ called for the early election after his⁢ governing Socialists suffered a defeat in the local elections in May. However, his decision to hold the⁤ election ⁤during the summer vacation period has angered many Spaniards. The postal ​service reported a record-breaking 2.47​ million postal votes, as voters opted to cast ⁢their ballots from vacation destinations ‍such as beaches and mountains.

Opinion polls ‌indicate that the center-right People’s Party, led by Alberto Nunez Feijoo, is likely to emerge as the winner of the election. However, in order to form a government, the People’s Party would need to form a coalition with the far-right Vox party, marking the first time a⁤ far-right party ​has⁤ entered the government since the end of Francisco Franco’s dictatorship in the 1970s.

The outcome of the election could depend on whether Feijoo or Sanchez can secure the support of smaller parties to form a coalition government. Sanchez’s minority Socialist government is currently in coalition with the far-left Unidas Podemos party, which is ⁣running in the election under⁤ the Sumar platform. The ​Socialist government has implemented progressive laws on various issues, including euthanasia, transgender rights, abortion, and animal​ rights.‍ They have warned voters that these rights could ⁤be rolled back if Vox, a party focused on anti-feminist and family values, becomes part of the next ‌government.

Sanchez, ⁤who has been in office since 2018,‍ has faced numerous challenges during his term, including⁤ managing the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic impact, as‌ well as dealing with the aftermath of⁤ the failed 2017 independence bid in Catalonia. Feijoo, on the other hand, has never lost an election in his native Galicia and has positioned ‌himself as a stable and reliable leader.

The formation of a new government will‍ require complex negotiations that could take weeks or even months, and there is a possibility that fresh elections may be called if an agreement cannot be reached. The‌ uncertainty surrounding the government ‌formation process could impact Madrid’s effectiveness as ‌the current host of the six-month rotating presidency of the European Union ‍Council, as well as its utilization of EU COVID recovery funds.
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How​ might the​ entry of a far-right party into the‍ government impact Spanish​ politics ⁢and policies?

⁤Article Updated: Spaniards cast their ⁣votes on Sunday‌ in a closely contested general election that ​could lead to a change in power and the entry⁤ of a far-right party‌ into ‍the⁤ government ‌for the first‍ time in 50 years. Polling stations opened at‌ 9​ a.m. (0700 GMT) ⁤and will close at ​8 p.m. (1800 GMT),⁤ followed by the release of exit polls. Experts anticipate that the final ⁤outcome will ⁣be determined by a margin ‍of fewer than a million votes ‌and fewer than ​10 seats in the⁢ 350-seat parliament.

Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez called for the early⁤ election following ⁣his governing ⁢Socialists’ defeat​ in the local elections in May. However, his decision to hold the election during the summer vacation period has sparked‌ anger among‌ many Spaniards. ⁢As a result, the postal ⁤service reported a record-breaking⁤ 2.47 million postal‌ votes, with voters choosing to cast ​their ballots from⁤ vacation destinations such ‍as ⁣beach ‌towns.

1 thought on “Spanish General Election 2023: Socialists’ Power at Risk as Far-Right Party Surges”

  1. The surge of the far-right party in the Spanish General Election 2023 poses a significant challenge to the socialists’ power. This unexpected twist highlights the changing political landscape and raises questions about the future of Spanish politics.


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