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Spanish Entrepreneurship Aiming for Growth in 2024: Enisa Predicts Positive Trends

The Spanish entrepreneurial ecosystem is heading towards a turning point that, according to the forecasts of Enisa, a public company attached to the Ministry of Industry and Tourism, will allow the emergence of the ecosystem in 2024 after a few years in which startups have gained maturity and experience.

A favorable regulatory framework for generating synergies and attracting investment has contributed to this profound process of change, led by the Startup Law, along with other regulations such as the Create and Grow Law and initiatives such as Spain Up Nation.

The latest data referring to 2023, provided by Enisa, leave no room for doubt. Spanish entrepreneurship has returned to pre-crisis values ​​and the forecasts for 2024 are optimistic Despite the unfavorable context for attracting private financing, what is known as winter inverterwhich this exercise has been maintained.

[España, lista para remontar: cuarto país europeo en startups financiadas pese a caer un 42% la inversión]

“Spanish entrepreneurship is really consolidated. The influx of requests for participatory loans is continuous, it has remained between approximately 1,700 and 1,800 a year for the last five years,” he explains to D+I José Bayón, CEO of Enisa.

Furthermore, the ticket average has increased, which is explained by the difficulties that companies have faced in accessing private financing and because “the projects are more technologically powerful and more mature“, Add.

“Spanish entrepreneurship is really consolidated in growth and the average loan tickets are higher due to the maturity and technological component of the projects”

José Bayón, CEO of Enisa

Specifically, during 2023, 643 participatory loans have been reached for an amount of 112,273,000 euros, which represents an increase of 6.4% compared to the amount approved in 2022 and constitutes, therefore, “a new annual execution record for the public entity.”

Regarding the number of financing applications received in 2023, this has risen to 1,689. “This represents 0.30% more than the previous year, in which 1,684 requests were attended to. Likewise, The average amount approved was 174,608 euros, 6.23% more than in 2022“.

Jose Bayón, CEO of Enisa. Pepa Malaga

On the other hand, Enisa will end 2023 with 600 certified startupsa number that the CEO of the public entity is confident will increase in 2024 because “startups have realized the tax benefits that this accreditation entails.”

“The process was launched on July 21 and we have the last certification council of the year left, with which we estimate that we will close the year with around 600 certified startups,” Bayón announces to D+I.

The interest of certification for investors

“The seal does not have an immediate effect on the startup like loans, but the tax benefits derived are very important, especially because the interest it arouses in investors themselves. “It’s a fast track to tax benefits.”

In this context of tightening the requirements to access private financing, startup certification is helping, according to Bayón, startups close the rounds that need for the advancement of their disruptive projects.

One in every three approved loans falls on startups between two and four years old and accounts for 29% of the total investment

Analyzing other data from Enisa’s 2023 balance sheet, it highlights that companies between zero and one year of creation (149) account for 23% of approved loanswith 17% of the amount of the total.

For their part, companies that are between two and four years old (218) account for 34% of the loans approved in 2023, and 29% of the total investment, which confirms the entrepreneurial recovery at 2019 levels.

Catalonia, at the head of approved loans

By sectors, the TIC continues to lead the approved loanssy represents 36.5% of the approved operations and 39.7% of the total investment, with more than 4 million euros, followed by Other Services (27.9% operations and 25.2% in investment) and Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities in third place, consolidating the 2022 trend by surpassing the Manufacturing Industry sector.

By autonomous communities, Catalonia accounts for 34.6% of approved loans and an investment of 33.9%, followed by the Community of Madrid (29.8% operations and 30.3% investment) and the Valencian Community (9.4% operations and 8.8% investment).

Enisa has already reached close to 1,332 million euros investedcon 8,685 loans disbursed y 7.580 financed companies since the granting of participatory loans began.

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2023-12-19 02:55:06
#Disruption #proof #market #fluctuations #startups #certified #Enisa #loans

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