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Spain reaches the goal of 15 million immunized a week later than expected

Spain will today reach the goal of having immunized against the coronavirus to 15 million people. However, this milestone comes a week late, as the Government set out to meet it in mid-June.

The Executive failed to meet this third goal of a vaccination plan whose ultimate goal is to have immunized the 70% of the population before summer ends.

The ministry of Health blames failure to meet this coronavirus vaccination target in Spain on delayed shipment of Janssen doses.

More than 30% of the immunized population

Although the Government’s calculations have not fully adjusted to reality, for a week, the truth is that more than 30% of the Spanish population has already received the complete guideline of the vaccine against covid-19 and therefore is already immunized.

The vaccination plan continues its course and the turn has come for those between the ages of 30 and 49, according to the autonomous community in which you reside.

Check your vaccination shift

Check how many people have been vaccinated against the coronavirus in your autonomous community, as well as when it will be your turn to vaccinate, thanks to the interactive tool ”AccountVaccines‘, available in Antena 3 News.

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