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Spain first in Europe to introduce paid menstrual leave

Spain was the first country in Europe to introduce paid menstrual leave. In addition, underage girls aged 16 and 17 are allowed to have abortions without parental consent, and contraceptives and feminine hygiene products will be provided free of charge to girls in schools and correctional facilities.

The Spanish Parliament approved the relevant amendments to the law on sexual and reproductive health on February 16, according to its site. 185 parliamentarians voted in support of the initiative, 156 voted against, and three more were absent. Parliament said the amendments aim to “make the necessary changes to ensure that women’s sexual and reproductive rights are effectively respected.”

Abortion was decriminalized in Spain in 1985, and then legalized in 2010, but nevertheless, not all public clinics do it, as some doctors refuse “for reasons of conscience”, the portal writes. infobae. Taking a vacation due to painful periods is also possible in Japan, Indonesia and Zambia.

Laura Keffer

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