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Spahn gets approval from doctors and business

18. August 2020 – 15:22 Clock

To avoid lockdown

Of course, it’s nice to celebrate your birthday with friends, or to celebrate the most beautiful day of your life with a big party. But in times of the pandemic, this is (unfortunately) not in fashion. Health Minister Jens Spahn is already getting the Germans in the mood for what might come: In order to avoid a second lockdown, there could be tighter limits for private celebrations again in the future. Spahn gets a lot of approval from medicine and business.

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How dangerous is carelessness?

Pictures from a club in Cologne show: The party was celebrated as if there was no Corona. How dangerous are the parties and private celebrations?

Marburger Bund demands uniform rules

The debate about nationwide uniform corona rules for private celebrations is therefore picking up speed. The medical association Marburger Bund supports Jens Spahn: “In order to reduce the risk of infection in autumn and winter, the states should soon agree on uniform rules for private and public celebrations of all kinds,” said chairwoman Susanne Johna to the newspapers of the Funke media group. Upper limits for guests and concepts for ventilation are important.

Spahn had previously pointed out that celebrations were one of the greatest sources of danger in Germany, along with infections from people returning from traveling. That is why we have to talk to the countries again about the limits and rules for events. Very different regulations apply in the federal states.

Marburger Bund: Many too carefree

Marburger Bund - Susanna Johna

The Marburger Bund doctors’ association warns of negligence in the corona pandemic. (On the photo: Chairwoman Susanne Johna)

© German press agency

In some cases, indoor events with several hundred participants are now allowed again. The Marburger Bund is also critical of this. According to the current Corona regulation, indoor events with up to 500 people are currently allowed in Berlin. In North Rhine-Westphalia a maximum of 150 guests may be present at “social events such as weddings”, in Bavaria a maximum of 100.

“The greater the number of people celebrating indoors, the more likely it is that someone will infect the others,” warned Johna. If the number of infections rose sharply again, 150 guests at a family celebration or an indoor party would be too many.

Many are carefree because they look to the high rate of convalescents. But this also includes people who suffered from severe long-term damage. “There are estimates that the proportion of patients suffering from Covid-19 with consequential damage is in the upper single-digit range,” said the doctor.

Dehoga relies on reason

The hotel and catering industry also called for discipline to prevent a new lockdown. The industry association Dehoga appealed to the common sense of hosts, staff and guests. “Everyone should be careful to defend the freedoms of going out and traveling that have been gained since mid-May,” said General Manager Ingrid Hartges to the German editorial network. The risk of infection cannot be denied. “Overall, the infection rate in our companies is low.”

Most holidaymakers bring the virus from these countries

In addition to hotels and restaurants, there are “other hotspots”, such as holiday returnees and private and large public events, said the Dehoga boss. “It must therefore be analyzed exactly where the weak points are before restrictive measures are determined.” Event caterers in particular, who mainly supply family celebrations such as weddings, would be hit hard by new measures, warned Hartges: “Major events and a large number of smaller events are not yet taking place again. The losses are considerable and many of these companies fear for their existence.” Therefore, everyone should obey the rules of the game, she demanded.

“Many shops and restaurants would hardly be able to cope with another shutdown.”

The German Association of Towns and Municipalities called on society as a whole to prevent a new lockdown. “This would have serious effects on the economy and society,” said General Manager Gerd Landsberg. “Many businesses in the retail and hospitality sector would hardly be able to cope with another shutdown of public life.”

Landsberg sees the key to successfully preventing a second wave in a targeted test strategy. From the point of view of the municipalities, priority is given to schools and business life. Both must be kept open in order to secure jobs.

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