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SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy Rocket Launches Successfully – IT Pro – New

The Falcon Heavy rocket was successfully launched from Florida on Tuesday afternoon. This is the USSF-44, a secret mission with two payloads for the United States Space Force. It is the first time since 2019 that Falcon Heavy has been relaunched.

The rocket launch took place at 14:41 Dutch time and took off without any problems. Two minutes after launch, Falcon Heavy’s side boosters were released. They It came moments later, land safely in the planned landing zones on the ground.

Exactly what the two payloads are is a secret. They would be two satellites placed in geostationary orbit around the earth. Due to the thrust required for this relatively high orbit around the Earth, the rocket’s first central stage will not be accommodated and reuse is not an option. The actual decoupling of the payload has yet to take place.

It is the first time that the Falcon Heavy rocket has been launched since 2019. When the 6,000 kg Saudi communications satellite was launched Arabsat 6A launched into geostationary orbit. The three years between the previous launch and this launch of the Falcon Heavy are mainly due to delays in the satellites or payloads to be launched. For example, the USSF-44 mission was supposed to increase by the end of 2020 and that of NASA Psyche Asteroid Mission it was supposed to start this fall. However, that launch has already been postponed to July next year due to software issues.

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