After eight weeks since leaving Earth, the Psyche space probe has surpassed milestones one after another in its goal of achieve the enigmatic metallic asteroid with the same name, by activating scientific instruments, sending data and even setting a record in deep space with its electric thrusters. A few days ago achieved what is called “first light”, by connecting the twin cameras and recording their first images.
Currently 26 million kilometers away, the probe will reach Psychein the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, em 2029. The mission team wants test all scientific instruments at the beginning of the long journeyto ensure they work as planned and have plenty of time to calibrate and adjust them if necessary.
Click on the images to see or review the Psyche launch
The imaging instrument, composed of a pair of identical cameras, made a total of 68 records, all within a star field in the constellation Pisces. The data is being used to verify proper command, perform telemetry analysis and calibrate images, according to NASA.
These images of stars are just the beginning, essentially to check the functioning of the cameras. It is planned that in 2026 there will be test images during the passage by Mars and, finally, in 2029 there are the most exciting images: those of the target asteroid Psyche.
The probe’s cameras take photos through multiple color filters, all tested in these initial observations. The filters will allow the team to use photos in wavelengths of light visible and invisible to the human eye to help determine the composition of metal-rich Psyche.
Will also be used data to create three-dimensional maps of the asteroid and better understand its geology, which will provide clues about the history of the “floating” body.
After being delayed due to delays in the delivery of software and equipment, the Psyche mission left for Space on October 13 last. The main focus is study the enigmatic metallic asteroid Psyche226 kilometers in diameter, which could bring new answers about the beginning of the Solar System.
2023-12-09 17:08:00
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