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Space Flight and Erectile Dysfunction: Risks for Men Explained

SPACE — Scary news has emerged for space lovers, especially men. Research states that space flight can increase the risk of erectile dysfunction for husbands and future husbands.

Erectile dysfunction occurs when a man does not get or maintain an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse. This can have fatal consequences for the relationship between husband and wife.

During missions to space, astronauts are exposed to high levels of galactic cosmic radiation and weightlessness. Simulation experiments on male mice suggest that this aspect of spaceflight may have a negative impact on vascular tissue relevant to erectile dysfunction. In fact, after a long-term recovery period.

Research published in The FASEB Journal shows that vascular changes occur due to galactic cosmic radiation at relatively low doses and levels, as well as increased oxidative stress due to weightlessness.

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According to the study, treatments with different antioxidants can counter some of these effects. “With plans for manned missions to space in the coming years, this study suggests that the sexual health of astronauts should be closely monitored when they return to Earth,” said the author, Justin D La Favor of Florida State University.

Favor said the negative impacts of galactic cosmic radiation could last a long time. “But functional improvements through acute targeting of redox and nitric oxide pathways in tissues suggest that erectile dysfunction may be treatable,” he said. Source: Phys.org

2023-11-22 11:47:00
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