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SP Leader Marijnissen’s Position on Coalition and Party Differences

In conversation with political reporter Floor Bremer, Marijnissen responded to the comment of GroenLinks-PvdA leader Frans Timmermans, who stated that if the SP were to join his party, an even stronger left-wing bloc would emerge.


But that cannot be the case, Marijnissen tells Bremer.

“For example, Mr. Timmermans wants to make pensions in the Netherlands more uncertain. We do not want that. He does not want to tackle labor migration, we do want that. We want a stop to labor migration at this time,” Marijnissen explained the differences between the parties. According to the SP member, the parties also think too differently when it comes to climate measures.

Moreover, according to Marijnissen, cooperation with GroenLinks-PvdA in a cabinet is of course quite possible.

No VVD in cabinet

Marijnissen’s SP is losing in the polls. Nevertheless, the SP leader thinks she will achieve a good result on November 22 thanks to her authentic story about social security and the reduction of market forces in healthcare.

And according to Marijnissen there is another reason why voters should vote for the SP. “A large SP is the best guarantee for a cabinet without the VVD.”


Marijnissen also explained that she did not want to work with the PVV in a cabinet. PVV leader Geert Wilders said yesterday that he was prepared to make concessions to participate in a cabinet.

But for Marijnissen, cooperation is out of the question because of the poor financial substantiation of the PVV plans, but also because of constitutional objections to Wilders’ party

2023-11-15 08:08:16
#leader #Marijnissen #interest #merging #GroenLinksPvdA

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