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Soy yields net margin in rented field, while corn strengthens

The net margins of the main summer crops in rented fields, in September, according to the analysis of the Rosario Stock Exchange, shows how cereals continue to assert themselves, despite the increases in fertilizers, and also how the rise in inputs is impacting soybeans, considering the current prices of grains (See box).

Under this analysis, the oilseed, in rented field, indicate the technicians of the Stock Exchange, is the one that suffered the greatest discounts: first-class soybeans are relegating 16% of their net margins and second-class soybeans 8%, in field rental situations.

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It is worth mentioning that a 60% to 70% of the area cultivated with the oilseed of the core region is made under rent. And that these margins were made taking into account a long freight of 150 kilometers, so beyond this limit, the results are lower.

In this update, the increase in inputs such as glyphosate or fertilization with MAP (monoammonium phosphate) as a basic nutrition strategy also weighs.


According to the entity’s work, the cereal “shows enough back” to respond to the significant and sustained increase in fertilization.

For the same situation, in the rented field, the comparison of net margins, from September to June, shows an improvement of 5%. The early corn continues to hold the first place on the podium of the results.

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In the case of cereal, recognize the establishment of the central zone that, “hThere is a very important increase in fertilizers, urea increased very strongly this week. There are also increases in glyphosate and some specific inputs are missing”,

The data of the Rosario entity bring certainty to this situation. Urea, the fertilizer most used by corn producers, suffered an increase of 24% in the last three months, while cereal also rose, but much less: it increased by 8%. The input / output ratio thus went from 3.1 to 3.5.

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