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South Park and GTA: Adapting with the Times and the “Anti-Woke” Brigade Among Gamers

South Park still makes fun of everyone, nothing has changed. I think you are exaggerating. Moving with the times is always good (otherwise we would still have slavery today and no voting rights for women or gay marriage).

Don’t think GTA will do it differently either. I don’t see Rockstar adapting. In addition, it also depends on the story what is going to happen. The entire “anti-woke” brigade among gamers is now ruining things for everyone.

That grown-up bald guy who had a mental breakdown because he thought something was woke is the current state of the gaming world. Kinda sad and embarrassing.

I would like to add that Tweakers are exaggerating enormously here. The game will still be fun and funny as always. I expect it will still rake in tons of money. The only fear I have is that the online component will become too big and it will be at the expense of the single player.

2023-11-08 06:22:21
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