Home » today » Technology » South Korean Scientists Develop Room-Temperature Superconductor with Major Technological Implications

South Korean Scientists Develop Room-Temperature Superconductor with Major Technological Implications

by Andrei Stiru
published on Sunday, July 30, 2023 at 08:02 AM •
4 min reading

Scientists from South Korea claim to have developed a superconductor at room temperature. If the results can be replicated, this could have major consequences for the technological world.

Why is this important?

Superconductors are materials that have no electrical resistance below a certain temperature. But the phenomenon currently only occurs with materials that have a very low temperature, requiring large and expensive installations to cool them. However, ever since superconductors were discovered at the beginning of the last century, scientists have been trying to find a way to make them work at room temperature, so far without success.

In the news: Op arXiva preprint platform for academic papers that have not yet been peer-reviewed, are circulating two papers by South Korean scientists who claim to have developed a room-temperature superconductor.

The researchers claim that the material, which they call LK-99, can be made very simply in a normal laboratory. The material would have an electrical resistance of virtually zero at temperatures as low as a

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2023-07-30 09:42:10
#Major #breakthrough #Scientists #claim #developed #superconductors #room #temperature

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