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South Korean President Calls for China’s Constructive Efforts in North Korea’s Denuclearization

South Korean President Says China Should Make Constructive Efforts to Achieve North Korea’s Denuclearization

Release time: 19:37, September 5, 2023 Source: China News Network

Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning hosted a regular press conference on September 5.

A reporter asked: According to reports, South Korean President Yoon Suk-yue pointed out in a written interview with the Associated Press recently that China has considerable influence on North Korea, and the key is whether and how China exerts influence. If North Korea continues to upgrade its nuclear and missile capabilities and violates Security Council sanctions, China, as a permanent member of the Security Council responsible for the peace and stability of the international community, should make constructive efforts to realize North Korea’s denuclearization. What is China’s comment?

Mao Ning said, I would like to make four points about the issue you mentioned. First, China and the DPRK are friendly neighbors linked by mountains and rivers, and the two countries maintain traditional friendly and cooperative relations. At the same time, North Korea is a full member of the United Nations and a sovereign independent country. Good relations between China and the DPRK and China’s influence on the DPRK are two different concepts and should not be confused.

Second, the current situation on the Peninsula is not in the interests of all parties, nor is it what China wants to see. The reason why the process of resolving the Peninsula issue that started in 2018 has come to a standstill is that the United States has not responded properly to the denuclearization measures taken by the DPRK, and has not paid attention to and is unwilling to address the reasonable concerns of the DPRK. The US side should reflect on its mistakes, take responsibility, stop imposing sanctions and military deterrence, and take concrete measures to restart meaningful dialogue.

Third, China has always conscientiously implemented relevant resolutions of the Security Council. The content of Security Council resolutions related to North Korea is not only sanctions, but also emphasizes dialogue. China stands for comprehensive and balanced implementation of relevant resolutions, and opposes selectively emphasizing sanctions while ignoring the promotion of the dialogue process.

Fourth, China has always been committed to maintaining peace and stability on the peninsula and promoting the process of resolving the peninsula issue through dialogue. China will continue to actively maintain stability and promote talks on the peninsula issue, and promote the early realization of long-term peace and stability on the peninsula. This is where the common interests of all parties lie. (produced by Liu Peng)

Responsible editor:[Luo Pan]

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2023-09-05 11:37:00

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