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“South Korean Officials Warn Against Viral Trend of Eating Toothpicks”


South Korean health officials are sounding the alarm over a dangerous viral trend that has taken social media by storm: eating toothpicks. Videos posted on platforms like TikTok and Instagram show individuals deep frying toothpicks until they puff up, then adding seasonings like cheese or spicy powder before consuming them. While this may seem like a harmless and quirky trend, South Korean officials are urging people to refrain from participating due to safety concerns.

The toothpicks in question are made from corn or sweet potato starch and are dyed with food coloring. They are environmentally friendly and biodegradable, but their safety as a food product has not been verified. The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety has issued a statement emphasizing that these starch toothpicks are not meant to be consumed. “Please do not eat,” the ministry warns.

This is not the first time a hazardous food trend has spread like wildfire on social media. In 2022, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued a warning against cooking chicken in NyQuil, a popular cold medicine. And back in 2018, Procter & Gamble had to urge consumers not to eat Tide PODS laundry detergent after videos of people biting into them went viral.

While it may be tempting to jump on the latest viral food trend, it is important to prioritize safety and listen to the advice of health officials. Eating toothpicks, especially those that have been deep fried and seasoned, poses potential risks to one’s health. The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety’s warning should serve as a reminder that not everything that goes viral on social media is safe or advisable.

In an era where social media trends can quickly gain traction and influence people’s behaviors, it is crucial for individuals to exercise caution and critical thinking. Just because something looks fun or interesting online does not mean it is worth trying. The potential dangers of consuming toothpicks far outweigh any potential enjoyment or novelty.

As the South Korean government works to address this viral trend, it is important for individuals to be mindful of the potential consequences of their actions. By refraining from participating in risky trends and spreading awareness about the dangers involved, we can help prevent further harm and ensure the well-being of ourselves and others.

In conclusion, South Korean health officials are urging people to steer clear of the viral trend of eating toothpicks. While the videos may be entertaining to watch, the safety of consuming these starch toothpicks has not been verified. It is crucial to prioritize our health and listen to the advice of experts, even in the face of enticing social media trends. Let’s remember that our well-being should always come first, and that not everything that goes viral is worth trying.

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