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South Korea and the world: a story of love … and money

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Eco from here, Eco from elsewhere takes you to a country that fascinates the world, spreads its influence, even inspires some through its model. This is South Korea, the 10th world power, with 52 million inhabitants, and in recent years a trump card: its cultural industry. Music groups like BTS are all the rage among young people, TV series like Squid Game are the flags of soft power, a Korean wave with a Hallyu name that goes well beyond commercial success.

Because Korea is also fascinating for its economic success. From a very underdeveloped country at the end of the war in the early 1950s, it has become a major power, with the famous chaebols, these growth engine conglomerates. Companies that weigh very heavily internationally: LG, Hyundai, and especially Samsung. What are the secrets of this Korean miracle? What are its darkest sides too? Why such a success abroad?

Our guests :

Jymmin Park, doctor in contemporary economic history and international business, professor at Sciences Po Paris, and researcher at the Institute for Research in Communication at Seoul National University.

Benjamin Joinau, doctor in cultural anthropology specializing in Korean studies. Lecturer at Hongik University in Seoul. You are also an associate researcher at the Korea Research Center of the EHESS (School of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences).

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