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South Jakarta re-optimizes Jumantik in anticipation of increasing dengue cases

Our dengue cases are also being tracked

Jakarta (ANTARA) – The South Jakarta City Government has re-optimized the larva monitoring interpreter (Jumantik) to anticipate and eradicate mosquito larvae that cause dengue fever (DHF) in the area because cases have increased until November 2021.

“Our DHF case is also being tracked. So now we have PPKM level one, so Jumantik can door to door to reactivate. Yesterday, when it was level three and four, we relied on independent Jumantik,” said South Jakarta Mayor Munjirin after reviewing vaccinations in Kebayoran Lama, Thursday.

Meanwhile, the South Jakarta Health Sub-dept. recorded an increase in dengue cases, bringing it to 424 cases as of November 2021.

Whereas in June 2021 cases of dengue fever in South Jakarta were still recorded at 206 cases spread across 10 sub-districts.

Also read: East Jakarta Health Sub-Department invites residents to be jumantik at home

Of the 206 cases, it was recorded that Pesanggrahan Sub-district was the contributor to the most cases of dengue fever, reaching 42 cases.

“So, indeed there is an increase,” said Munjirin. Munjirin said that currently his party is tracking residents in which areas are infected with DHF in order to do the best treatment, either through spraying and massively mobilizing Jumantik) or in other ways.

Munjirin added that his party did not rule out the involvement of other parties to eradicate the disease.

Also read: 26 residents of Cipayung have contracted dengue since January 2021

However, the party must first coordinate with the Sub-Department of Health regarding technical instructions in the field.

“But first we have to coordinate with the health office because there are special instructions, which ones are allowed and which ones are not because there must be a check of the location,” he said.

Reporter: Sihol Mulatua Hasugian
Editor: Edy Sujatmiko

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