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South Jakarta Health Bureau: After being found positive, only 40% of PLWHAs continue treatment

PLWHAs are advised not to be afraid of treatment.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – South Jakarta’s sub-agency for health has asked the public not to disappear after testing positive. human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS). Every year, the number of people who test positive for HIV/AIDS increases, yet only 40% return for treatment.

“Those who came for treatment were still small, so after they came to check themselves, they were positive, after which it’s really difficult to trace the problem,” said Yudi Dimyati, head of South Jakarta’s health sub-agency, when he met in Jakarta on Monday (12/12/2022).

This, according to Yudi, is because the average person who checks himself is not originally from South Jakarta. As a result, after being tested positive, they did not continue to seek treatment at health facilities in South Jakarta.

Yudi said her party has been providing information to the public about PLWHA treatment services. The confidentiality of the patient’s identity is guaranteed so that you are not afraid to come for treatment and the administration of the drug is free.

In addition to education, his party also cooperates with the AIDS Commission (KPA) which provides field accompanying cadres. If there are HIV/AIDS positive residents, they can accompany them to health facilities, hospitals or health centers for treatment.

source: Between

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