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Sourdough Bread: Debunking the Myths and Examining its True Benefits

He sourdough bread It has become the most common product in bakeries. For some time now it has been promoted as a better and healthier version of one of the foods preferred by Spaniards for decades. But does his fame correspond to his characteristics? Is there more marketing than reality? The specialist in nutrition and dietetics Pilar Esquer It breaks down all the doubts of a product that has a crumb.

To start, remove the myth that it is a new occurrence. “Today sourdough bread appears as a new trend, but the truth is, in reality, that It is the oldest way of making bread. And also the healthiest“advances the expert in digestive pathologies and intolerances.

The reason sourdough bread moved away from bakeries is due to sales needs. There is a rush to have a product in stores. “The fermentations that are carried out today to make current bread have nothing to do with those that were carried out in the past. Currently, Bread fermentation is carried out with commercial yeasts that are added to the dough and is much fasterwhile the ancient fermentation of bread with sourdough was carried out with bacteria, as well as yeast,” points out Pilar Esquer.

Sirge The best automatic bread maker

Sirge The best automatic bread maker

Credit: AMAZON

Difference between regular bread and sourdough bread

The difference in preparation already indicates a key compared to the usual loaf of bread sold in stores. “Evil calling ‘normal bread’, that is, refined bread, is a devitalized food, with less protein and lacking the vitamins and minerals that are present in unrefined cereal…“, indicates the professor and coordinator of the Nutrition subject in the Gastronomy and Management Degree at the CEU Cardenal Herrera University.

“Sourdough bread tends to have a longer shelf life compared to commercial breads”

In short, sourdough bread It gives off deeper and more complex flavors and aromas, the crust is crispier and thicker, while the crumb is softer and more elastic. Besides, it is preserved much better. “Due to the natural acidity created during the fermentation of the sourdough, the bread tends to have a longer shelf life compared to commercial breads, as the acidity acts as a natural preservative,” he explains. Pilar Esquer, member of the Spanish Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and member of Top Doctors.

On the other hand, the nutritional contribution also clearly separates sourdough bread from the rest. “Refined bread (the most common in bakeries) should be avoided becausedue to its high glycemic index, causes large fluctuations in our blood glucose levels, causing our energy levels, physical and intellectual performance, and mood to oscillate in the same way,” advises the expert.

The benefits of sourdough bread

In general, the expert points out that sourdough bread provides “a series of nutritional improvements” that favor any profile, although in some cases adjustments are needed.

According to Pilar Esquer, these are the benefits of sourdough bread:

It is digested better since yeasts and bacteria break down most of the gluten. And while this makes it more suitable for people with heavy digestion or digestive problems, It will still not be suitable for people with celiac disease, who must use gluten-free cereals for the preparation of a sourdough bread suitable for them. Numerous studies suggest that sourdough bread has a lower glycemic index, which causes less impact on blood sugar levels compared to breads made with commercial yeasts. This means it causes fewer fluctuations in blood sugar levels, which can, in addition to protecting us from increasing type 2 diabetes, keep our energy levels more stable, help control appetite and prevent carbohydrate cravings. It has more fiber and nutrients compared to processed commercial breads. More fiber and nutrients can increase feelings of satiety and reduce the tendency to overeat. Dietary fiber has numerous health benefits, including regulating intestinal transit, promoting digestive health, preventing heart disease, and regulating cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Natural and prolonged fermentation in the Sourdough decomposes, in addition to gluten, other anti-nutritive components present in flour (such as phytates) that “hijack” vitamins and minerals, thus improving their absorption and use by the organism. Sourdough bread therefore provides greater variety and quantity of nutrients.Improvement of the intestinal microbiota. In the fermentation of bread with sourdough, EPS (exopolysaccharides) are produced that act as prebiotics, improving our microbiota. These EPS modulate our immune system, can act against pathogens and help us against external toxic agents.

Is sourdough bread more recommended?

At this point there will be those who wonder if sourdough bread is a better option to eat than the breads that are more widely available on the market. Furthermore, in the short term the purchase of this bread will be more noticeable in your pocket.

The graduate in Human Nutrition has very clear what the decision should be even though the price may put some people off. “As with any other food, bread provides us benefits depending on the quality of its ingredients. A good bread should be made with the best quality whole wheat flours and have a fermentation process appropriate in form and duration.. Y If not, it is better to leave it“, explains Pilar Esquer.

“Making sourdough bread takes longer than making bread with commercial yeasts, due to the need to feed and maintain the sourdough, as well as a longer fermentation. It is easy to imagine that a more expensive production process would involve a also higher cost,” argues the specialist about the price.

The expert is clear about what type of bread should be on the table. “If you think investing in health is expensive, try not to do it… Bread professionals who have opted for this modality also usually use high-quality flours., which use ancestral grains that are not hybridized or genetically modified and come from certified organic crops. If we take into account all the improvements it brings, not only to our health but also to our palate, it is really worth investing a little more in the bread we eat every day,” he explains.

CostaKaiser The best bread maker on offer

CostaKaiser The best bread maker on offer

Credit: AMAZON

How to distinguish sourdough bread?

Trends have also caused there to be a false offer of sourdough breads to take advantage of demand. For avoid deception There are a series of tricks that experts provide when buying and putting a substitute on the table.

It all starts in the mouth. “The best way to distinguish a sourdough bread is, of course, to try it,” begins Pilar Esquer. “It has a more intense aroma, a slightly acidic flavor, its crust is very crunchy and its crumb is very tasty.“, lists the specialist.

Another way of detection is vision. “A sourdough breadand will have a darker and thicker bark. Once we have it in our hands, we will check that his weight is greater than that of usual bread and if we break it we will see that its crumb is more compact and spongy“says the superior technician in Dietetics and Nutrition.

Another clue to a good purchase will be to observe How long does sourdough bread last in the pantry?. “Another way that will help you recognize that you have bought a truly sourdough bread is its longer duration, since Will keep in excellent condition for about a week“.

Finally, there is an internal question that will confirm that it is sourdough bread. “If you are someone who pays attention to how your body works, you will notice how you digest it much better“, concludes the specialist.

After breaking down the characteristics and differences of sourdough bread compared to others, Pilar Esquer has a clear verdict: “Today This way of making bread has been recovered and our health is in luck“.

Javier Bragado is an expert in nutrition and other health topics. He tries to stay up to date with new research to disseminate the latest discoveries and trends on this website. Plus, he has the pressure of a family with dietitians-nutritionists and crosfitters, so he better be precise with what he writes about food and fitness.

On a professional level, when podcasts did not exist, Javier Bragado worked on several radio stations (Onda Cero, Cadena Ser), although now his production focuses on web writing. In fact, it is quite common to find him as the author of texts (sometimes extra long) on ​​sports news after two decades of experience in the EFE agency and the Colpisa agency. He pays special attention to the less conventional profiles in sport such as cycling, tennis, football and athletics of any gender.

Graduated from the Complutense University, he completes his profile as a journalist with his subsequent degree in Geography and History at the UNED, which is why it is common to see him writing about great and small figures of humanity, investigations and studies about the past.

He relies on his academic knowledge and respect for history professionals and their sources. Which is not at odds with his eclectic hobby of reading Eastern and Western books and comics.

On the other hand, Javier Bragado is also a lover of experiencing sport firsthand and has practiced a couple of martial arts and combat sports in his youth, although without experience in competition.

If you have come across a report signed by him about John Wick, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Michele Yeoh and the action film community, know that he is among those who enjoy those choreographies of distributing candy. However, now he has taken up swimming, because he is no longer young and prefers not to be hit in the head while he takes care of his cardio.

If you see an error in one of his texts, you can let him know through one of his social networks because he is always willing to acknowledge these notices (and correct when necessary). Just in case, check that the second last name is “Herrero” so as not to confuse him with the excellent photographer of the music world Javier Bragado. And if you have a problem that you need to solve in other ways, contact Team A, they are the experts in that field.

2023-09-21 04:33:26
#oldest #making #bread #healthiest #nutritionist

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