TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Which is better between getting Vitamin D from sunbathing or taking supplements (Vitamin D3)? A dermatologist who is also the former President Director of the UGM Academic Hospital, Arief Budiyanto, gave his answer in an online dialogue held by Alumni of the UGM Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing, Friday 30 July 2021.
Arief mengatakan masing masing cara memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan. Dari aktivitas berjemur, dia menuturkan, seseorang mendapatkan asupan Vitamin D dari dalam yang sifatnya gratis. Aktivitas berjemur, ditambahkannya, paling baik pukul 10 dan berlangsung sekitar 10 menit, saat matahari mulai memancarkan secara kuat gelombang cahaya ultraviolet B.
Arief menjelaskan, berjemur sinar matahari juga tidak memberi risiko intoksikasi ataupun gangguan fungsi tubuh. "Hanya saja resiko berjemur bisa juga memiliki resiko kulit terbakar (sunburn) dan kronis seperti kanker kulit jika paparan mataharinya berlebihan," kata Arief.
Beda dengan konsumsi suplemen Vitamin D3 yang artinya seseorang mendapat asupan dari luar dan harus mengeluarkan biaya atau tidak gratis. Cara ini juga disebutnya membawa risiko intoksikasi lebih besar jika dosis berlebihan. Ini terkait metabolisme suplemen Vitamin D3 oleh hati.
“So if you sunbathe and take supplements, the only difference is in the method,” said Arief while illustrating: For those who sunbathe, there must be a little effort, such as if we want to eat manga, we have to climb a tree first. “As for supplements, we just drink,” said Arief. .
Immunology expert Deshinta Putri Mulya also warned about the dosage of Vitamin D consumption. Moreover, the consumption is done every day. Even though Vitamin D or D3 has many benefits, care must be taken to administer high doses.
“Use Vitamin D3 High doses must be under close supervision and discussed with a doctor, so that if there are signs of toxicity, it can be recognized early,” said Deshinta.
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