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Sounds of Kepler’s Law 1,2,3 as well as Formulas and Examples


Kepler’s Law 1, 2, 3 was first coined by Johannes Kepler (1571-1630). This German astronomer showed that the motion of the planets around the sun and their orbits are not perfect circles, but ellipses or ovals.

In Planetary Motion Module in the Solar System Package C published by the Ministry of Education and Culture (2017), Kepler’s law is a rule for calculating the motion of a planet that revolves around the Sun.

Before Kepler’s law present, developed the geocentric theory which states that the earth is the center of the solar system. However, this theory was dismissed by the presence of the Heliocentric theory which was coined by Nicolaus Copernicus.

It is this Heliocentric understanding that has succeeded in opening up the potential for updates related to the science of planetary motion. Apart from Copernicus, the Heliocentric theory was also supported by Galileo Galilei. Although opposed by a number of parties because the previous theory was supported by Aristotle.

This prompted Johannes Kepler to contribute arguments regarding the orbits of the planets. Quoted from the page Ministry of Education and Culture Learning ResourcesKepler’s laws are used to estimate the motion of objects in space and the paths of planets orbiting the sun.

In addition, Kepler’s law can also be used to calculate the motion of the moon orbiting the earth and other objects orbiting the earth besides the moon.

Kepler’s Laws and their Formulas

To make it easier to understand, Johannes Kepler made a discovery formula for Kepler’s laws. Here’s the sound Kepler’s law 1,2,3.

Kepler’s 1st Law

“All the planets in the solar system move in elliptical paths as they revolve around the sun where the sun is at one of the focal points of the ellipse.”

Kepler’s 2nd Law

“A planet’s orbit around the sun spans an equal triangular area in equal time.”

As the distance of a planet to the Sun is getting closer, the orbital motion of the planet is getting faster. The area of ​​the planet’s orbit and the time it takes to travel can be said to be the same as that of a planet that is far from the Sun.

Kepler’s 3rd Law

“The ratio of the square of a planet’s period of time to the cube of its distance from the Sun is the same for all planets.”

Mathematically, the Kepler 3 law formula is:

Kepler’s 3rd Law Formula Photo: detikEdu–

Sample Question

The ratio of the distance of Earth to the Sun with Mercury to the Sun is known to be 5:2. If Earth’s period is 1 year, what is Mercury’s period?


1/53 =T22 /23


T22 = 8/125

T2 = 0.253 years x 365 days

T2 = 92.4 days

If we look at the characteristics of the planets in the solar system, Mercury’s period is 88 days. From this it can be seen that the error is relatively only 5%. This happens because the ratio of the distance between Earth to the Sun and Mercury to the Sun is 5:2 just an approximation.

From the example above, we can see that Kepler’s law This is arguably quite accurate for determining the characteristics of planetary motion in the solar system.

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