Home » today » World » Sotsapocalypse – View Info – 2024-08-10 16:22:42

Sotsapocalypse – View Info – 2024-08-10 16:22:42

/ world today news/ 100 years after the October Revolution, we can draw one conclusion – there are no communists. This does not apply to the world as a whole, but more precisely to Bulgaria within the borders of Europe. In fact, this applies to all of Europe.

Think about it – when was the last time you saw a communist? It is not a question of a pensioner-supporter of the Ninovist social party or a Russophile, nor is it a question of an attackist who does not know what patriotism means or a Stalinist hardliner who does not know what communism means. A real communist – like those fighters for workers’ power, fighting against the class enemy, the main enemies of the social-democratic red bourgeoisie – does not exist. More on this topic another time.

Today, the question is different – what are modern leftists (not socialists, but leftists) and do they have a foothold in our country? In modern history, in the period after the collapse of the Soviet Union, there are 3 varieties of leftism:

  • Neo-Leftism (neolevism) – these are our Western-oriented “comrades” prevailing in the European communist-free zone. They appeared shortly after the end of the Second World War, anti-totalitarians, Trotskyists, social democrats and so on. It is important to note that liberals also fall into this category (at least in Europe and the US). This whole variety of the left movement has 3 foundations – gay and women’s rights, minority rights and howling against the so-called. fascism, the definition of which is still not understood. After 1989, these “comrades” privatized the left space with the support of ordinary people. They still exist, breaking, smashing, burning cars and doing other excesses under the name of “Antifa” – calling themselves anarchists, social justice warriors (SJWs), anti-fascists, “communists” and other words that have nothing to do with them. They are mainly financed by Soros, “Open Society”, “America for Bulgaria”, other philanthropic foundations and other elites.

  • The second variety is the Chinese Communists. This is the so-called “socialism with Chinese characteristics” that began sometime towards the end of Mao Zedong’s reign, was further developed by Deng Xiaoping, and is only beginning to flourish sometime toward the present day. The main thing is that it is state socialism with market elements, and therefore it is called market socialism. It is not complete state control over absolutely everyone like the past totalitarian countries in the Eastern Bloc, but it is also not a complete dictatorship of the market like our dear, dear Motherland. This same socialism is supported by the rest of the socialist countries – Cuba, Vietnam and Laos or maybe China supports the others… I don’t know.

  • The third category is the strangest and at the same time the oldest. It emerged around the Russian Revolution and united mainly the nobles and tsarists, who realized that the Bolsheviks were the only saving force for Great Russia. They are called “National Bolsheviks” and if that doesn’t sound strange enough, they identify as follows – politically they are far right, economically they are far left. And if that’s not enough of a mess, they use the following symbol – imagine the Nazi flag, only with a hammer and sickle instead of a swastika. Quite an interesting move, don’t you think?

Today we have a choice as leftists – what kind of movement will we be?

Liberal-social-democratic-red-bourgeois, protecting homosexuals and minorities?

Should we all become members of the Chinese Communist Party?

Or become a national Bolshevik-crypto-Nazi-extreme Russophile-Stalin-worshipping movement?

Even the ideologue of National Bolshevism, Alexander Dugin, (who is Putin’s adviser, I’m just saying) personally told how he went to spit on Lenin’s mausoleum in the 80s, and now he realized that it was a mistake. This guy is an ideologue of Eurasianism, dig around the Internet and you will learn interesting things about him.

National Bolshevism is an association of red-faced imperialists, which is something like the opposite of our democrats. They are the only ones who manage to argue in defense of the October Revolution and to combine Stalinist socialism and tsarist chauvinism. This group is relatively the youngest left-wing radical organization, yet it is only about a century old. The National Bolsheviks do not have the resources of the Social Democratic and Liberal parties and yet they continue to exist. Even they are still coming to light – the government of Little Russia itself (the Union of the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics) is National Bolshevik, do your research, it is.

In conclusion, I want to note only one thing: this group is not to be underestimated. I immediately give an example – there are officially a total of 3 banned parties in Russia: the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (banned by Boris Yeltsin in 1991), Hizb ut-Tahrir (an international Islamist organization linked to terrorists in Chechnya) and the National Bolshevik Party of Eduard Limonov (re-registered as “The Other Russia”). Knowing how many far-right and Nazi parties there are in Russia, why exactly are National Bolshevik comrades banned? Hardly anything harmless can be banned.


* The position of the author does not necessarily coincide with that of the editors of world today news

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