Home » today » Business » Sostegni Bis decree, a new 700 euro bonus for spending and bills arrives

Sostegni Bis decree, a new 700 euro bonus for spending and bills arrives

Good news for many families who will soon be able to benefit from a new bonus, up to 700 euros, for shopping and bills. So let’s go into the details and see what there is to know about it.

2020 presents itself, without a shadow of a doubt, as one of those years that we will hardly be able to forget. Marked by the impact of Covid, the latter unfortunately continues to have negative repercussions on our lives both from a social and cheap. The government has decided to adopt a series of restrictive measures in order to limit its spread, with many entrepreneurs forced to lower the shutters of their activities.

A particularly complicated situation, with more and more families struggling with a serious financial crisis. Hence the need for targeted interventions by the government, such as the new economic aid arriving thanks to the Support Decree Bis. But not only that, the executive also confirmed the making available to the municipalities of 500 million euros to subsidize the disbursement of shopping vouchers, aimed at supporting those most affected by the situation. So let’s go into the details and see what there is to know about it

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Covid, a new 700 euro bonus for spending and bills is coming thanks to the Sostegni Bis Decree

Do the shopping

Good news coming for many families who will soon be able to benefit from a new bonus, with a maximum amount of 700 euros. Thanks to the latter it will be possible to buy basic necessities, food, medicines or pay bills. Approved last May 25, the Draghi-led executive confirmed, as already mentioned, the allocation of 500 million euros, made available to the municipalities to confirm the spending bonus from 700 euros.

This form of economic support is intended for families most affected by the situation, with one ISEE threshold which must not exceed 8 thousand euros. To determine the requirements, however, are the individual Municipalities. For this reason, in order to know whether or not you have the right to this form of financial support, you must contact the competent municipal offices. The amount, we recall, varies from 50 to 700 euros per household and can also be used for the payment of bills.

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The Municipalities will be able to proceed with the activation of the calls once 30 days have elapsed from the entry into force of the Sostegni Bis Decree. Local governments, therefore, should start submit their calls starting next 25 June. We must therefore wait a few more days to see what the requirements will be required by each municipality and how to submit a specific request.

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