Home » today » Entertainment » Șoșoacă, Teodosie and AUR, headliners / The president of the Romanian Academy, Ioan-Aurel Pop, Terheș or Liviu Dragnea also entered the Sputnik top

Șoșoacă, Teodosie and AUR, headliners / The president of the Romanian Academy, Ioan-Aurel Pop, Terheș or Liviu Dragnea also entered the Sputnik top

The official Kremlin in Romania, Sputnik, made the top of Romanian personalities and political parties at the end of the year. The headliners are Senator Diana Șoșoacă, the Archbishop of Tomis, His Eminence Teodosie and the AUR party, but the president of the Romanian Academy, Ioan Aurel Pop, the MEP Cristian Terheș or Liviu Dragnea are not missing from this ranking of Russian propaganda favorites.

In the top of political figures of 2021, from the perspective of Sputnik, is Diana Șoșoacă, Cristian Terheș and Liviu Dragnea. The first two are known in Romania for their anti-vaccine positions, while Liviu Dragnea, fresh out of prison, has adopted a deeply nationalist policy in recent months, in an attempt to increase the newly launched party in polls.

“Senator Diana Șoșoacă is the most remarkable politician of 2021 for her courage, frankness and the shocks she applied to the Romanian political class, the last being the one in which she appeared with a dog’s muzzle at the rostrum of the Parliament to draw attention to the violation Constitution “, is the presentation made by the Kremlin official Diana Șoșoacă, the senator who these days was the protagonist of a diplomatic scandal, being accused of kidnapping a team of Rai Uno journalists.

MEP Cristian Terheș is honored by the Russians for “putting himself at the head of 100,000 protesters in Brussels to draw the attention of European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to the secrecy of contracts for the Pfizer vaccine”, while Liviu Dragnea is praised for ” however, he managed to keep the Alliance for the Fatherland party afloat and to develop it together with Codrin Ștefănescu, despite the media blockade and all the obstacles that this political party at the beginning of the road is facing ”.

Top personalities – the most prominent public figure – is led by His Eminence Theodosius, Archbishop of Thomis, a controversial figure in the Romanian pandemic, which has been noted since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic by repeated defiance of the rules established by the authorities, often coming into conflict with the Romanian Orthodox Church.

Regarding Theodosius, the Russians from Sputnik say that “he was the strongest voice in the Romanian Orthodox Church in defending the right of Orthodox Christians to the free practice of their faith (…) and was one of the most articulate voices of Christian witness during the pandemic. Covid 19 from Romania ”.

The ranking is continued by Dan Chitic, a character present at all anti-vaccination protests, and Ioan-Aurel Pop, the president of the Romanian Academy, who has recently been noted for his nationalist speeches and lack of reaction in the vaccination campaign against Covid-19. Pop also applauded this year, along with Patriarch Daniel, an ultra-nationalist speech at the Putna Monastery, an event noted and appreciated by Sputnik: “Ioan Aurel Pop, president of the Romanian Academy, is a notable and praiseworthy exception among of Romanian official institutions and deserves a third place in the top of public figures in Romania for its involvement in defending the faith and traditions of the Romanian people. It is worth mentioning in this sense, among other similar messages, the one sent on the occasion of the events that marked this year’s Putna Celebration – 150 ”.

Sputnik’s latest pencil top is that of political parties, driving GOLD, “The absolute surprise of the Romanian political class”, as the Kremlin official writes.

The second party in the ranking is PNTCD, “because it was the only Romanian party that participated in the Sovereign Summit in Warsaw where the leaders of the conservative parties in Europe met”, and the top is completed by Homeland Alliance, “The party initiated by Liviu Dragnea and Codrin Ștefănescu”, which “took a clear position in defense of the local capital, of a sovereign policy of Romania, positioning itself unequivocally against abuses against Romanians”, concludes Sputnik.

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