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Sorry, Mercy Driver Claims No Intention To Block Ambulance


Dwiyanto, Mercy driver who viral on social media finally apologized about the incident with the ambulance driver in Tangerang-Merak Toll Road. Dwiyanto said he had no intention of hindering the ambulance.

“I also apologize to the public that this has finally gone viral and we have forgiven each other,” Dwiyanto told reporters at the Tangerang Police, Wednesday (23/3/2022).

This was conveyed by Dwiyanto after giving clarification to the police. The Tangerang Police Chief, Kombes Zain Dwi Nugroho and the ambulance driver, Hildan, were also present at the meeting.

Dwiyanto explained a little about the incident on the toll road. That he already knew there was an ambulance behind him.

At that time Dwiyanto stepped on the gas with the intention of opening the way for the ambulance. He admitted that he had no intention of obstructing the ambulance at that time.

“I don’t have the slightest intention to block the ambulance. Because I know the ambulance has priority,” he said.

Dwiyanto also explained his intention to follow the ambulance to the hospital. Dwiyanto wanted to confirm whether the ambulance was actually carrying the patient.

“And it was true that he brought the patient,” he said.

Dwiyanto realized his mistake. He also apologized to the ambulance driver.

“It should be said that this was an accident, a misunderstanding that was resolved amicably,” he said.

Previously, the police scheduled a clarification to the Mercy driver on Monday (21/3). However, he was not present on the grounds that there was a sudden activity.

Today, he was present at the Tangerang Police Station and conveyed a clarification regarding the incident of blocking the ambulance on the Tangerang-Merak Toll Road. The ambulance at that time brought the patient, a mother who was about to give birth, who was referred from the Cisoka Health Center to the Tangerang Hospital.

Also watch the video ‘It turns out that the Mercy Car that Blocked the Ambulance was in arrears on taxes!’:

[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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