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Sorry Jeff Bezos, 60,000 People Sign Petition Denying You Back to Earth

Some time ago, the world’s richest man Jeff Bezos announced that he would fly into space with his brother. However, more than 60,000 people have signed a petition to deny Jeff Bezos returning to Earth after his space flight with Blue Originher next month.

Reported from New York Post in Jakarta, Tuesday (22/6/21) a few days after the Amazon founder announced the news, two petitions were launched to prevent Bezos from returning to Earth.

One petition, entitled “Don’t allow Jeff Bezos to return to Earth,” has garnered more than 40,300 signatures.

Also Read: Jeff Bezos is losing his prestige, his rocket is laughed at like a cock

“Billionaires shouldn’t exist … on earth, or in space, but if they decide the latter, they should stay there,” wrote the Change.org petitioner.

And more than 20,000 people have signed another petition, entitled “Petition To Not Allow Jeff Bezos To Enter Back On Earth.”

Bezos is the richest person in the world with a net worth of around $200 billion. The petition names Bezos as Lex Luthor, the DC Comics supervillain.

“He is actually an evil ruler who desperately wants global domination. We’ve known this for years.”

The petition’s authors also claim that the 57-year-old Bezos has worked with the Epsteins and the Knights Templar, as well as the Free Masons to gain control of the entire world.

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