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Sorry It’s Not Scary, Vaccines Can Cause This Pain

Jakarta, CNBC IndonesiaCorona vaccination (Covid-19) was carried out by a number of countries. But the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) asked everyone who had received the vaccine, both Pfizer and Moderna, to be specially monitored.

This is due to the potential for Bell’s palsy or paralysis of the facial muscles which causes one side of the face to appear drooping. The reason is, some participants in the vaccine trial experienced this side effect.

Reporting from CNBC International, of the 54-page report, there were four cases of Bell’s palsy among the 43,000 Pfizer vaccine participants. Similar conditions were found in four of the 30,000 participants in the Moderna clinical trial.

Reports reassure that they received the vaccine and not the placebo. In vaccine trials, the placebo, aka the ‘fake vaccine’, is usually used in trials to compare the effects to the two different groups of recipients.

Staff supporting the emergency use of Moderna’s coronavirus vaccine said there was not enough data to link cases directly to injections, but that careful monitoring was needed. Vaccinated participants experienced paralysis between 22 days and 32 days after inoculation.

“Two of the Bell’s palsy cases in the Moderna vaccine group had ‘resolved’ while one case was still ongoing until this report was made,” wrote the FDA staff.

“The information currently available is insufficient to determine a causal relationship with vaccines.”

Citing the Mayo Clinic, a non-profit medical practice and US medical research group, Bell’s palsy causes a sudden clotting or weakness in a person’s facial muscles that is temporary for most people. The exact cause is unknown, but it is believed to come from a viral infection or swelling and inflammation of the nerves that control the muscles on one side of the face.

The US itself has permitted the emergency use of the Pfizer vaccine. Meanwhile, Moderna will be reviewed Thursday (17/12/2020).

The US since Monday (14/12/2020) has carried out mass vaccinations. Health workers are a priority to receive the Pfizef vaccine.

(Head / head)

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