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Søreide about the Taliban government: – Sends disturbing signals

“It has not represented women and does not reflect the Afghan people and society,” the foreign minister said. VG.

Several of the new ministers are on the UN sanctions list. One of the Taliban’s founders, Mohammad Hassan Akhund, has been appointed prime minister.

The leader of the infamous Haqqani network, Sirajuddin Haqqani, becomes interior minister. Among other things, he is wanted by the FBI for being behind the terrorist attack on Serena Hotel, where the Norwegian journalist Carsten Thomassen was among the six who were killed.

– I am concerned that the interim government Taliban has now appointed, is neither inclusive nor representative. It sends disturbing signals, Eriksen Søreide writes to the newspaper.

The Foreign Minister also points out that Afghanistan is in the middle of a humanitarian crisis, and will therefore not break all ties with the new rulers.

– We will as far as possible relate to those in power to find ways we can assist the population with necessary humanitarian aid. A minimum requirement is that those in power facilitate the safety and working conditions of aid workers, she says.

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