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Soon you will be able to treat individual contacts separately under “Last online”

WhatApp allows you to define who can see when you were last online. So you can currently state there that all of your contacts get insight, generally every WhatsApp user who knows your number or nobody. In the most recent Android-Beta can now be found Notes on a new option. It should allow you to define different rules for specific users.

In this way, you could say that all your contacts are allowed to see when you were last online, but the ex-partner you are still in contact with in order to sort things out, for example, no longer receives any insight. Or you communicate privately with your colleagues, but you shouldn’t necessarily see that you chatted at 2 a.m., even though you should start your workday at 7 a.m. Many scenarios are conceivable in which one would like to deny selected contacts a detailed insight.

Above you can see how the whole thing should work out. You can use the new option “All contacts, except …” to exclude individual contacts from recognizing your last online time. Beta users should be the first to benefit again, but the function has not yet been activated for them either, as I can tell from my own experience.

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