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“Soon there will be a surprise,” Tweeted Jonathan

tvOnenews.com – David Ozora’s father Jonathan Latumahina made a scathing statement for Mario Dandy and Agnes Gracia, summarized on Sunday (5/3/2023).

As is known, until now David Ozora has still not recovered from the coma as a result of the persecution that was carried out by Mario on February 20, 2023.

In total, David has been lying unconscious for 13 days in the ICU room at Mayapada Hospital, Kuningan, South Jakarta. He was sentenced by doctors to suffer from diffuse axonal injury.

However, the son of GP Ansor management has now shown significant progress. It has been observed that David is no longer using a ventilator or breathing apparatus.

TvOnenews.com tries to summarize 3 firm statements from David Ozora’s father for Mario Dandy for Agnes Gracia:

1. There is no word of peace

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