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Soon a civil war in the United States? “It’s a real possibility, the soldiers tell me”

Koert Deboef, historian and author, was the guest at 7:50 am in the Bel RTL Matin. The author published a book entitled “Why this is not the last war?” and entrusted the substance of his reflection to our journalist Antonio Solimando.

I wrote a text 7 years ago which said that there is a process of tribalization“, begins the historian. A very important process in the continuation of his explanation. “In history, there has always been a trend of globalization, but sometimes there are periods of tribalization during which people become more and more nationalistic and close in on themselves.

A lack of dialogue

In my opinion, this process of tribalization started again 10 years ago“, he adds. “This means that there is less globalization, but also less dialogue. We see that we no longer speak. We talk a lot about China, but we don’t talk with China. We begin to see others more and more as dangerous enemies.”

We look at China, we see Iran, Turkey which is becoming more and more unpredictable. But even more importantly, we look at the United States where, inside, the tribalism between the Republicans and the Democrats, there is a great polarization which could lead to a civil war. It’s a real possibility, the American military tell me. If that happens, for the world order, it will be a gigantic implosion of what we see now.

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