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Sony Xperia 5 V Launch Date, Features, and Specifications: Everything You Need to Know

Sony has revealed when it will introduce the compact Xperia 5 V
The video trailer showed the upcoming phone from the front
The benchmark confirmed the powerful Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 chipset

Sony unveiled its flagship Xperia 1 V smartphone this May, now it’s time to unveil its compact sibling. The Japanese company announced that this will happen on the opening day of the Berlin IFA trade fair, next Friday, September 1 at 9:00 a.m. our time.

One less camera

Sony is tempting the premiere of the upcoming news with a video trailer in which the phone itself flashes for a short time. On the front, the Japanese will obviously not invent anything new – even this year’s model will retain an elongated display without cutouts, as the selfie camera fits into the upper frame. The sides of the phone are straight and appear to be slightly thicker than last generation. The fingerprint reader will remain part of the lock button.

The protagonist of the video, freestyle dancer KTea, appreciates the Xperia 5 V above all for its photographic capabilities, but in this area we will probably see the biggest compromise. Recently, a video appeared on the Internet revealing the back of the phone, and only two camera lenses on it.

Most likely, we will have to say goodbye to the telephoto lens, which would mean a fairly fundamental intergenerational limitation’ – unless the Japanese deploy a camera with a variable zoom level. The connected headphones on the video at least confirm the retention of the 3.5mm port.

The benchmark reveals key parameters

The Xperia 5 V also earned a record in the GeekBench benchmark, which revealed two important details – the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 chipset and 8 GB of RAM. This combination earned a score of 2004/5059 (single core/all cores), which is a fairly standard score for this chipset. The phone, codenamed XQ-DE54, ran on Android 13, but it can be assumed that it will receive an upgrade to the newer Android 14 before the end of this year.

According to an earlier filing with the 3C certification agency, the Xperia 5 V should support 33-watt charging. We hope that Sony will also keep the presence of wireless charging, which premiered in this model line only last year.

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Author of the article

Jakub Karásek

A fan of mobile technology, convertibles and wireless charging, a fan of hard music and a lover of fast driving in go-karts, bikes and skis. Opponent of FUP, slow internet and overgrown smartphones.

2023-08-27 18:30:00
#Xperia #arrive #week #benchmark #revealed #key #parameters

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