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Sony fulfills the wish of the manufacturer of PS5 sidewalls to be sued »Vortex

Even before the PlayStation 5 went on sale, the first manufacturers of multicolored sidewalls appearedwhich can be changed relatively easily thanks to the deployment system used. The business plan of several companies was started by an official disassembly of the console, which revealed the exchange system several months before the launch of the PS5, going hand in hand with Sony’s statement that in the current generation the emphasis on console coloring will be even greater than in the past. A common feature of all who tried to sell unofficial colored side panels, however, was the poppy life of their endeavor. Sony has always intervened, probably with reference to the patents it owns, so the only permitted form of unofficial change to the appearance of the console remains stickers. Nevertheless, she embarked on a risky event earlier this year business Dbrand, which also wanted to sell plastic side panels, said in a statement at the start of its business that everything was bulletproof and that someone should try to sue Dbrand. Less than a year later, Sony’s legal department fulfills this wish, which has already forced Dbrand to close the sale and is threatening to sue.

If you happened to want to buy a sideboard directly from the official Dbrand website over the weekend, you only came across a spartan list of articles mapping the entire business. Most of the news revolves around the current situation, ie the suspension of sales and the lawsuit by Sony, which was reported by the company in a comprehensive contribution to Income. The company’s representatives first confirm that they have received an order to cease operations and then quote from it. Sony alleges copyright infringement and claims that all products be destroyed along with damages of up to $ 150,000 for each work that infringes copyright. It is, of course, a question of how the court would interpret this condition – the side panels, as a matrix for the production of individual pieces, are one – potentially, however, Sony may want that amount for every single package sold to the end customer. After all, according to the published citation, Sony wants to punish Dbrand in an exemplary manner and thus discourage other potential manufacturers from similar activities, so that the second of the described variants remains in the game and damages in excess of tens of millions of dollars.

“After all, we didn’t parasitize on Sony sales. In fact, you need a PlayStation 5 to use Darkplates, ”say the sidewall manufacturers.

Dbrand therefore ended the sale, but it is clear from the contribution to Reddit that he fundamentally disagrees with the threat and intends to discuss everything properly with the lawyers. Although the whole contribution is in a very ironic spirit, Dbrand points out that Sony only refers to patents that have not yet been approved and, moreover, does not specifically mention them in its complaint. “Under Canadian law, it is up to the party who claims that its copyright has been infringed to prove that the defendant’s conduct actually infringes a particular patent,” says Dbrand, intending to focus on whether someone can forbid him to sell spare parts for hardware that consumers already own. “After all, we didn’t parasitize on Sony sales. In fact, you need a PlayStation 5 to use Darkplates, ”add the sidewall manufacturers. At this point, of course, it is necessary to add that Sony undoubtedly counts on its own sales of sidewalls, so there would be a conflict with unofficial products only later, probably after the approval of all patents. In this respect, however, for whatever reason, nothing has happened for almost a year, and the interpretation by Dbrand or other manufacturers, who talk about spare parts and compare the situation to cars, for example, can be fully understood. According to Dbrand, Ford will also not sue the manufacturer of the bumpers, which the car owner will install instead of the original…

At the end of the article, therefore, it is confirmed that Dbrand’s concession is only temporary and the farewell, including the snuggling na * er te si, makes it clear that this case does not end.

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