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SON’s determinism is as good as Bored, Arsenal Legends’ evaluation

[엑스포츠뉴스 김정현 인턴기자] Legend Ian Wright also admired Son Heung-min’s determination.

Ian Wright, a panel of the BBC Sports Broadcasting Match of the Day, said on the 4th (Korean time) that Son Heung-min boasts the best determination and is comparable to Olivier Jiru.

Son Heung-min started the match between Tottenham Hotspur and Leeds United in the 17th round of the 2020/21 season held on the 3rd, and scored the second goal of the team by receiving a cross from Harry Kane in the 43rd minute.

Wright said,’Son Heung-min showed tremendous energy and determination that you did not see often. Son Heung-min shows the determination that Jiru showed. He said that Son Heung-min succeeded in targeting nearby posts with tremendous concentration.

He continued, “We know that Son Heung-min and Kane are showing the same movement. When Kane catches the ball, Son Heung-min runs. Son Heung-min was two yards away from Stuart Dallas, but quickly penetrated to catch the ball. Look at his tremendous speed.`

Jiru is a striker with a style of scoring through Arsenal and Chelsea, focusing on small movements in the box.

Wright evaluated that Son Heung-min and Ji-ru had different styles, but both players were excellent in terms of concentration in the box.

On the other hand, Son Heung-min succeeded in achieving a big record by scoring No. 2 in the league score alone and 100 goals in Tottenham’s career with this score.

[email protected] / Photo = Tottenham Hotspur SNS

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